Function petgraph::algo::dijkstra[][src]

pub fn dijkstra<G, F, K>(
    graph: G,
    start: G::NodeId,
    goal: Option<G::NodeId>,
    edge_cost: F
) -> HashMap<G::NodeId, K> where
    G: IntoEdges + Visitable,
    G::NodeId: Eq + Hash,
    F: FnMut(G::EdgeRef) -> K,
    K: Measure + Copy

[Generic] Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm.

Compute the length of the shortest path from start to every reachable node.

The graph should be Visitable and implement IntoEdges. The function edge_cost should return the cost for a particular edge, which is used to compute path costs. Edge costs must be non-negative.

If goal is not None, then the algorithm terminates once the goal node’s cost is calculated.

Returns a HashMap that maps NodeId to path cost.


use petgraph::Graph;
use petgraph::algo::dijkstra;
use petgraph::prelude::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut graph : Graph<(),(),Directed>= Graph::new();
let a = graph.add_node(()); // node with no weight
let b = graph.add_node(());
let c = graph.add_node(());
let d = graph.add_node(());
let e = graph.add_node(());
let f = graph.add_node(());
let g = graph.add_node(());
let h = graph.add_node(());
// z will be in another connected component
let z = graph.add_node(());

    (a, b),
    (b, c),
    (c, d),
    (d, a),
    (e, f),
    (b, e),
    (f, g),
    (g, h),
    (h, e)
// a ----> b ----> e ----> f
// ^       |       ^       |
// |       v       |       v
// d <---- c       h <---- g

let expected_res: HashMap<NodeIndex, usize> = [
     (a, 3),
     (b, 0),
     (c, 1),
     (d, 2),
     (e, 1),
     (f, 2),
     (g, 3),
     (h, 4)
let res = dijkstra(&graph,b,None, |_| 1);
assert_eq!(res, expected_res);
// z is not inside res because there is not path from b to z.