Macro ringl::uniforms[]

macro_rules! uniforms {
    { $ ( $ name : ident : $ value : expr ) , * } => { ... };
    { $ ( $ name : ident : $ value : expr , ) * } => { ... };
    { $ ( $ location : expr => $ value : expr ) , * } => { ... };
    { $ ( $ location : expr => $ value : expr , ) * } => { ... };

easy way to set uniforms to pass a draw call

extern crate glin;
extern crate na;
fn main() {
    let projection: na::Mat4 = na::one();
    let view: na::Mat4 = na::one();
    let model: na::Mat4 = na::one();
    let uniforms = uniforms!{
        projection: projection,
        view: view,
        model: model,
        model_view_projection: projection * view * model,