use super::{Gradient, vertex::*, mesh::*, PrimitiveType};
use color::{ToRgba,ToRgb,Rgba};
use rin_math::{
Pnt2, zero, scalar::SubsetOf, Unit, ToVec, iwrap,
RealField, Vec2, one, Rect, vec2, Rad, pnt2, Deg, vec3, Vec3, Matrix3x2, convert, Angle,
Float, NumCast, cast, FloatPnt, NumPnt, ToPnt
use std::{f32, f64};
use std::mem;
use std::iter;
use std::ops::Neg;
pub struct Line{
pub p1: Pnt2,
pub p2: Pnt2,
impl Line{
pub fn to_mesh(self) -> Mesh<Vec2>{
pub fn to_color_mesh<C: ToRgba>(self, color: &C) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
vertex2dcolor(self.p1.to_vec(), color),
vertex2dcolor(self.p2.to_vec(), color),
pub trait RectToMesh{
fn to_mesh(self) -> Mesh<Vec2>;
fn to_color_mesh<C: ToRgba>(self, color: &C) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>;
fn to_tex_mesh(self, tex: Rect<f32>) -> Mesh<Vertex2DTex>;
fn to_gradient_mesh<C: ToRgba + ToRgb>(self, gradient: &Gradient<C>) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>;
impl RectToMesh for Rect<f32>{
fn to_mesh(self) -> Mesh<Vec2>{
fn to_color_mesh<C: ToRgba>(self, color: &C) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
let rgba = color.to_rgba::<f32>();
vertex2dcolor(self.pos.to_vec(), &rgba),
vertex2dcolor(self.top_right().to_vec(), &rgba),
vertex2dcolor(self.bottom_right().to_vec(), &rgba),
vertex2dcolor(self.bottom_left().to_vec(), &rgba),
fn to_tex_mesh(self, tex: Rect<f32>) -> Mesh<Vertex2DTex>{
vertex2dtex(self.pos.to_vec(), tex.pos.to_vec()),
vertex2dtex(self.top_right().to_vec(), tex.top_right().to_vec()),
vertex2dtex(self.bottom_right().to_vec(), tex.bottom_right().to_vec()),
vertex2dtex(self.bottom_left().to_vec(), tex.bottom_left().to_vec()),
fn to_gradient_mesh<C: ToRgba + ToRgb>(self, gradient: &Gradient<C>) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
match gradient{
&Gradient::Linear{..} => mesh(
vertex2dcolor::<Rgba<f32>>(self.pos.to_vec(), &gradient.rgba_at(vec2(0.0,0.0))),
vertex2dcolor::<Rgba<f32>>(self.top_right().to_vec(), &gradient.rgba_at(vec2(1.0,0.0))),
vertex2dcolor::<Rgba<f32>>(self.bottom_right().to_vec(), &gradient.rgba_at(vec2(1.0,1.0))),
vertex2dcolor::<Rgba<f32>>(self.bottom_left().to_vec(), &gradient.rgba_at(vec2(0.0,1.0))),
&Gradient::Circular{ref start_color, ref end_color} => {
let center = self.pos.to_vec() + vec2(self.width / 2., self.height / 2.);
let resolution = 32usize;
let angle_bisector = Rad::two_pi() / (resolution as f32 * 2.);
let small_r = vec2(self.width / 2., self.height / 2.).norm();
let big_r = small_r / angle_bisector.cos();
let two_pi: Rad<f32> = Rad::two_pi();
let vertices = iter::once(vertex2dcolor(center, start_color))
let theta:f32 = i as f32 * two_pi.value() / resolution as f32;
let pos = center + vec2(theta.sin(), theta.cos()) * big_r;
vertex2dcolor(pos, end_color)
Mesh::from_iter_and_type(vertices, PrimitiveType::TriangleFan)
pub struct Ellipse{
pub center: Pnt2,
pub width: f32,
pub height: f32,
impl Ellipse{
pub fn to_mesh(self, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vec2>{
let pos =;
let w = self.width * 0.5;
let h = self.height * 0.5;
let vertices = arc_iter(pos, w, h, Rad(0.), Rad::two_pi(), resolution).map(|v| v.to_vec());
Mesh::from_iter_and_type(vertices, PrimitiveType::TriangleFan)
pub fn to_outline(self, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vec2>{
let pos =;
let w = self.width * 0.5;
let h = self.height * 0.5;
let vertices = arc_iter(pos, w, h, Rad(0.), Rad::two_pi(), resolution).map(|v| v.to_vec());
Mesh::from_iter_and_type(vertices, PrimitiveType::LineLoop)
pub fn to_mesh_color<C:ToRgba>(self, color: &C, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
let pos =;
let w = self.width * 0.5;
let h = self.height * 0.5;
let vertices = arc_iter(pos, w, h, Rad(0.), Rad::two_pi(), resolution)
.map(|p| vertex2dcolor(p.to_vec(), color));
Mesh::from_iter_and_type(vertices, PrimitiveType::TriangleFan)
pub fn to_outline_color<C:ToRgba>(self, color: &C, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
let pos =;
let w = self.width * 0.5;
let h = self.height * 0.5;
let vertices = arc_iter(pos, w, h, Rad(0.), Rad::two_pi(), resolution)
.map(|p| vertex2dcolor(p.to_vec(), color));
Mesh::from_iter_and_type(vertices, PrimitiveType::LineLoop)
pub fn to_mesh_texcoords(self, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex2DTex>{
let pos =;
let w = self.width * 0.5;
let h = self.height * 0.5;
let size = vec2(self.width, self.height);
let vertices = arc_iter(pos, w, h, Rad(0.), Rad::two_pi(), resolution)
.map(|p| {
let tex = p - pos;
let tex = vec2(tex.x / size.x, tex.y / size.y);
Vertex2DTex{ position: p.to_vec(), texcoord: tex }
Mesh::from_iter_and_type(vertices, PrimitiveType::TriangleFan)
pub struct Circle{
pub center: Pnt2,
pub radius: f32,
impl Circle{
pub fn to_mesh(self, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vec2>{
width: self.radius * 2.,
height: self.radius * 2.,
pub fn to_outline(self, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vec2>{
width: self.radius * 2.,
height: self.radius * 2.,
pub fn to_mesh_color<C:ToRgba>(self, color: &C, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
width: self.radius * 2.,
height: self.radius * 2.,
}.to_mesh_color(color, resolution)
pub fn to_outline_color<C:ToRgba>(self, color: &C, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
width: self.radius * 2.,
height: self.radius * 2.,
}.to_outline_color(color, resolution)
pub fn to_mesh_texcoords(self, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex2DTex>{
width: self.radius * 2.,
height: self.radius * 2.,
pub fn ellipse(pos: &Pnt2, w: f32, h:f32, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vec2>{
let vertices = arc_iter(*pos, w*0.5, h*0.5, Deg(0.), Deg::two_pi(), resolution)
.map(|p| p.to_vec());
Mesh::from_iter_and_type(vertices, PrimitiveType::TriangleFan)
pub fn ellipse_texcoords(pos: &Pnt2, w: f32, h:f32, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex2DTex>{
let size = pnt2(w,h);
let vertices = arc_iter(*pos, w*0.5, h*0.5, Deg(0.), Deg::two_pi(), resolution)
.map(|p| {
let tex = p - pos;
let tex = vec2(tex.x / size.x, tex.y / size.y);
Vertex2DTex{ position: p.to_vec(), texcoord: tex }
Mesh::from_iter_and_type(vertices, PrimitiveType::TriangleFan)
pub fn ellipse_color<C:ToRgba>(pos: &Pnt2, w: f32, h:f32, resolution: u32, color: &C) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
let vertices = arc_iter(*pos, w*0.5, h*0.5, Deg(0.), Deg::two_pi(), resolution)
.map(|p| vertex2dcolor(p.to_vec(), color));
Mesh::from_iter_and_type(vertices, PrimitiveType::TriangleFan)
pub fn circle(pos: &Pnt2, r: f32, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vec2>{
ellipse(pos, r*2.0, r*2.0, resolution)
pub fn circle_texcoords(pos: &Pnt2, r: f32, resolution: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex2DTex>{
ellipse_texcoords(pos, r*2.0, r*2.0, resolution)
pub fn circle_color<C:ToRgba>(pos: &Pnt2, r: f32, resolution: u32, color: &C) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
ellipse_color(pos, r*2.0, r*2.0, resolution,color)
pub fn line_color<C: ToRgba>(from: &Pnt2, to: &Pnt2, color: &C) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
vertex2dcolor(vec2(from.x,from.y), color),
vertex2dcolor(vec2(to.x,to.y), color)
pub fn rectangle(pos: &Pnt2, w: f32, h: f32) -> Mesh<Vec2>{
vec2(pos.x + w, pos.y),
vec2(pos.x + w, pos.y + h),
vec2(pos.x, pos.y + h)
pub fn rectangle_texcoords(pos: &Pnt2, w: f32, h: f32, s0: f32, t0: f32, s1: f32, t1:f32) -> Mesh<Vertex2DTex>{
vertex2dtex(pos.to_vec(), vec2(s0,t1)),
vertex2dtex(vec2(pos.x + w, pos.y), vec2(s1,t1)),
vertex2dtex(vec2(pos.x + w, pos.y + h), vec2(s1,t0)),
vertex2dtex(vec2(pos.x, pos.y + h), vec2(s0,t0)),
pub fn rectangle_color<C: ToRgba>(pos: &Pnt2, w: f32, h: f32, color: &C) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
vertex2dcolor(pos.to_vec(), color),
vertex2dcolor(vec2(pos.x + w, pos.y), color),
vertex2dcolor(vec2(pos.x + w, pos.y + h), color),
vertex2dcolor(vec2(pos.x, pos.y + h), color),
pub fn rectangle_gradient<C: ToRgba + ToRgb>(pos: &Pnt2, w: f32, h: f32, gradient: &Gradient<C>) -> Mesh<Vertex2DColor>{
match gradient{
&Gradient::Linear{..} => mesh(
vertex2dcolor(pos.to_vec(), &gradient.rgba_at::<f32>(vec2(0.0,0.0))),
vertex2dcolor(vec2(pos.x + w, pos.y), &gradient.rgba_at::<f32>(vec2(1.0,0.0))),
vertex2dcolor(vec2(pos.x + w, pos.y + h), &gradient.rgba_at::<f32>(vec2(1.0,1.0))),
vertex2dcolor(vec2(pos.x, pos.y + h), &gradient.rgba_at::<f32>(vec2(0.0,1.0))),
&Gradient::Circular{ref start_color, ref end_color} => {
let center = pos + vec2(w / 2., h / 2.);
let mut vertices = vec![ vertex2dcolor(center.to_vec(), start_color) ];
let resolution = 32;
let angle_bisector = Rad::two_pi() / (resolution as f32 * 2.);
let small_r = vec2(w / 2., h / 2.).norm();
let big_r = small_r / angle_bisector.cos();
let two_pi: Rad<f32> = Rad::two_pi();
for i in 0..resolution+1 {
let theta:f32 = i as f32 * two_pi.value() / resolution as f32;
let pos = center + vec2(theta.sin(), theta.cos()) * big_r;
vertices.push(vertex2dcolor(pos.to_vec(), end_color));
mesh(vertices, PrimitiveType::TriangleFan)
pub fn sphere_texcoords(radius: f32, rings: u32, sectors: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex3DTexNormal>{
let inv_r = 1.0 / rings as f32;
let inv_s = 1.0 / sectors as f32;
let ring_vertices = rings + 1;
let sector_vertices = sectors + 1;
let mut mesh: Mesh<Vertex3DTexNormal> = Mesh::default();
mesh.reserve((ring_vertices*sector_vertices) as usize);
mesh.set_len((ring_vertices*sector_vertices) as usize);
mesh.indices_mut().reserve((ring_vertices * sector_vertices * 6) as usize);
mesh.indices_mut().set_len((ring_vertices * sector_vertices * 6) as usize);
let mut v = 0;
let mut i = 0;
mesh[v].position = vertex * radius;
mesh[v].texcoord = vec2(s as f32 * inv_s, r as f32 * inv_r);
mesh[v].normal = vertex;
for r in 0 ..= rings {
for s in 0 .. sectors {
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = ((r+1) * sectors + (s+1)) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = (r * sectors + (s+1)) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = (r * sectors + s) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = (r * sectors + s) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = ((r+1) * sectors + s) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = ((r+1) * sectors + (s+1)) as IndexT;
i += 1;
pub fn sphere_color<C:ToRgba>(radius: f32, rings: u32, sectors: u32, color: &C) -> Mesh<Vertex3DColorNormal>{
let ring_vertices = rings+1;
let sector_vertices = sectors+1;
let mut mesh: Mesh<Vertex3DColorNormal> = Mesh::default();
mesh.reserve((ring_vertices*sector_vertices) as usize);
mesh.set_len((ring_vertices*sector_vertices) as usize);
mesh.indices_mut().reserve((ring_vertices * sectors * 6) as usize);
mesh.indices_mut().set_len((ring_vertices * sectors * 6) as usize);
let mut v = 0;
let mut i = 0;
mesh[v].position = vertex * radius;
mesh[v].color = color.to_rgba().to_standard();
mesh[v].normal = vertex;
for r in 0 .. rings+1 {
for s in 0 .. sectors {
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = ((r+1) * sectors + (s+1)) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = (r * sectors + (s+1)) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = (r * sectors + s) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = (r * sectors + s) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = ((r+1) * sectors + s) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = ((r+1) * sectors + (s+1)) as IndexT;
i += 1;
pub fn sphere(radius: f32, rings: u32, sectors: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex3DNormal>{
let ring_vertices = rings+1;
let sector_vertices = sectors+1;
let mut mesh: Mesh<Vertex3DNormal> = Mesh::default();
mesh.reserve((ring_vertices*sector_vertices) as usize);
mesh.set_len((ring_vertices*sector_vertices) as usize);
mesh.indices_mut().reserve((ring_vertices * sectors * 6) as usize);
mesh.indices_mut().set_len((ring_vertices * sectors * 6) as usize);
let mut v = 0;
let mut i = 0;
mesh[v].position = vertex * radius;
mesh[v].normal = vertex;
for r in 0 .. rings+1 {
for s in 0 .. sectors {
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = ((r+1) * sectors + (s+1)) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = (r * sectors + (s+1)) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = (r * sectors + s) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = (r * sectors + s) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = ((r+1) * sectors + s) as IndexT;
i += 1;
mesh.indices_mut()[i] = ((r+1) * sectors + (s+1)) as IndexT;
i += 1;
pub fn cone(radius: f32, height: f32, segments: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex3DNormal>{
let mut mesh: Mesh<Vertex3DNormal> = Mesh::default();
const TWO_PI: f32 = 2.0 * f32::consts::PI;
let height_segments = 1;
let radius_segments = segments;
let angle_step = -1. * TWO_PI / radius_segments as f32;
let height_step = 1. / height_segments as f32 * height;
let start = vec3!(0., height, 0.);
mesh.push(vertex3dnormal(start, Vec3::y()));
for iy in 1 .. height_segments + 1{
for ix in 1 .. radius_segments + 1{
let mut r = (iy as f32 / height_segments as f32) * radius;
let mut x = (ix as f32 * angle_step).cos() * r;
let mut y = height_step * (iy - 1) as f32;
let mut z = (ix as f32 * angle_step).sin() * r;
let pos = vec3!(x,y,z);
if iy == 0 {
r = 1.;
x = (ix as f32 * angle_step).cos() * r;
y = height_step * (iy - 1) as f32;
z = (ix as f32 * angle_step).sin() * r;
let new_pos = vec3!(x,y,z);
let diff = new_pos - start;
let crossed = (-Vec3::y()).cross(&new_pos);
let normal = crossed.cross(&diff);
mesh.push(vertex3dnormal(pos, normal.normalize()));
mesh.push(vertex3dnormal(vec3!(0.), -Vec3::y()));
for ix in 1 .. radius_segments {
ix + 1,
for ix in 1 .. radius_segments {
radius_segments + 1,
ix + 1,
radius_segments + 1,
pub fn cube_wireframe(size: f32) -> Mesh<Vertex3D>{
let half = size * 0.5;
vertex3d(vec3( -half,-half,-half )),
vertex3d(vec3( -half, half,-half )),
vertex3d(vec3( half,-half,-half )),
vertex3d(vec3( half, half,-half )),
vertex3d(vec3( -half,-half, half )),
vertex3d(vec3( -half, half, half )),
vertex3d(vec3( half,-half, half )),
vertex3d(vec3( half, half, half )),
0,1, 1,3, 3,2, 2,0,
0,4, 1,5, 2,6, 3,7,
4,5, 5,7, 7,6, 6,4,
pub fn cube(side: f32) -> Mesh<Vertex3DNormal>{
let top = Vec3::y();
let bottom = -Vec3::y();
let left = -Vec3::x();
let right = Vec3::x();
let front = Vec3::z();
let back = -Vec3::z();
let vertices = vec![
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, front),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, front),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, front),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, front),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, bottom),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, bottom),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, bottom),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, bottom),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, left),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, left),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, left),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, left),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, right),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, right),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, right),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, right),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, top),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, top),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, top),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, top),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, back),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, back),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, back),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, back),
let indices = (0 .. vertices.len())
v[0] as u32, v[1] as u32, v[2] as u32,
v[0] as u32, v[2] as u32, v[3] as u32
Mesh::from_vertices_indices(vertices, indices)
pub fn cube_color<C:ToRgba>(side: f32, color: &C) -> Mesh<Vertex3DColorNormal>{
let top = Vec3::y();
let bottom = -Vec3::y();
let left = -Vec3::x();
let right = Vec3::x();
let front = Vec3::z();
let back = -Vec3::z();
let vertices = vec![
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, color, front),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, color, front),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, color, front),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, color, front),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, color, bottom),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, color, bottom),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, color, bottom),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, color, bottom),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, color, left),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, color, left),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, color, left),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, color, left),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5) * side, color, right),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, color, right),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, color, right),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, color, right),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, color, top),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, color, top),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, color, top),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) * side, color, top),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, color, back),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5) * side, color, back),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, color, back),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5) * side, color, back),
let indices = (0 .. vertices.len())
v[0] as u32, v[1] as u32, v[2] as u32,
v[0] as u32, v[2] as u32, v[3] as u32
Mesh::from_vertices_indices(vertices, indices)
pub fn cuboid(extents: Vec3) -> Mesh<Vertex3DNormal>{
let top = Vec3::y();
let bottom = -Vec3::y();
let left = -Vec3::x();
let right = Vec3::x();
let front = Vec3::z();
let back = -Vec3::z();
let vertices = vec![
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), front),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), front),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), front),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), front),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), bottom),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), bottom),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), bottom),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), bottom),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), left),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), left),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), left),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), left),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), right),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), right),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), right),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), right),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), top),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), top),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), top),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), top),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), back),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), back),
vertex3dnormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), back),
vertex3dnormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), back),
let indices = (0 .. vertices.len())
v[0] as u32, v[1] as u32, v[2] as u32,
v[0] as u32, v[2] as u32, v[3] as u32
Mesh::from_vertices_indices(vertices, indices)
pub fn cuboid_color<C:ToRgba>(extents: Vec3, color: &C) -> Mesh<Vertex3DColorNormal>{
let top = Vec3::y();
let bottom = -Vec3::y();
let left = -Vec3::x();
let right = Vec3::x();
let front = Vec3::z();
let back = -Vec3::z();
let vertices = vec![
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, front),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, front),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, front),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, front),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, bottom),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, bottom),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, bottom),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, bottom),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, left),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, left),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, left),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, left),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, right),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, right),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, right),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, right),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, top),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, top),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, top),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, top),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, back),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, back),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, back),
vertex3dcolornormal(vec3( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5).component_mul(&extents), color, back),
let indices = (0 .. vertices.len())
v[0] as u32, v[1] as u32, v[2] as u32,
v[0] as u32, v[2] as u32, v[3] as u32
Mesh::from_vertices_indices(vertices, indices)
pub fn cuboid_wireframe(extents: Vec3) -> Mesh<Vertex3D>{
let half_w = extents.x * 0.5;
let half_h = extents.y * 0.5;
let half_d = extents.z * 0.5;
vertex3d(vec3( -half_w,-half_h,-half_d )),
vertex3d(vec3( -half_w, half_h,-half_d )),
vertex3d(vec3( half_w,-half_h,-half_d )),
vertex3d(vec3( half_w, half_h,-half_d )),
vertex3d(vec3( -half_w,-half_h, half_d )),
vertex3d(vec3( -half_w, half_h, half_d )),
vertex3d(vec3( half_w,-half_h, half_d )),
vertex3d(vec3( half_w, half_h, half_d )),
0,1, 1,3, 3,2, 2,0,
0,4, 1,5, 2,6, 3,7,
4,5, 5,7, 7,6, 6,4,
fn plane_indices(rows: IndexT, cols: IndexT) -> Vec<IndexT>{
(0..rows-1).flat_map(move |row|{
(0..cols-1).flat_map(move |col|{
row * cols + col,
row * cols + col + 1,
(row + 1) * cols + col,
row * cols + (col + 1),
(row + 1) * cols + (col + 1),
(row + 1) * cols + col,
pub fn plane(size: Vec2, rows: IndexT, cols: IndexT) -> Mesh<Vertex3DNormal>{
let half = size * 0.5;
let rows = rows + 1;
let cols = cols + 1;
let vertices = (0..rows).flat_map(move |row|{
(0..cols).map(move |col|{
let x = col as f32 / (cols - 1) as f32;
let y = row as f32 / (rows - 1) as f32;
let pos = vec2(x, y);
let pos = vec3!(pos.component_mul(&size) - half, 0.);
vertex3dnormal(pos, Vec3::z())
let indices = plane_indices(rows, cols);
Mesh::from_vertices_indices(vertices, indices)
pub fn plane_color<C: ToRgba>(size: Vec2, rows: IndexT, cols: IndexT, color: &C) -> Mesh<Vertex3DColorNormal>{
let half = size * 0.5;
let rows = rows + 1;
let cols = cols + 1;
let vertices = (0..rows).flat_map(move |row|{
(0..cols).map(move |col|{
let x = col as f32 / (cols - 1) as f32;
let y = row as f32 / (rows - 1) as f32;
let pos = vec2(x, y);
let pos = vec3!(pos.component_mul(&size) - half, 0.);
vertex3dcolornormal(pos, color, Vec3::z())
let indices = plane_indices(rows, cols);
Mesh::from_vertices_indices(vertices, indices)
pub fn plane_texcoords(size: Vec2, rows: IndexT, cols: IndexT) -> Mesh<Vertex3DTexNormal>{
let half = size * 0.5;
let rows = rows + 1;
let cols = cols + 1;
let vertices = (0..rows).flat_map(move |row|{
(0..cols).map(move |col|{
let x = col as f32 / (cols - 1) as f32;
let y = row as f32 / (rows - 1) as f32;
let texcoord = vec2(x,y);
let pos = vec3!(texcoord.component_mul(&size) - half, 0.);
vertex3dtexnormal(pos, texcoord, Vec3::z())
let indices = plane_indices(rows, cols);
Mesh::from_vertices_indices(vertices, indices)
pub fn plane_no_indices(size: Vec2, rows: IndexT, cols: IndexT) -> Mesh<Vertex3DNormal>{
let plane = plane(size, rows, cols);
plane.indices().iter().map(|i| plane[*i as usize]).collect()
pub fn plane_texcoords_no_indices(size: Vec2, rows: IndexT, cols: IndexT) -> Mesh<Vertex3DTexNormal>{
let plane = plane_texcoords(size, rows, cols);
plane.indices().iter().map(|i| plane[*i as usize]).collect()
pub fn plane_wireframe(size: Vec2, rows: IndexT, cols: IndexT) -> Mesh<Vertex3D>{
let half = size * 0.5;
let rows = rows + 1;
let cols = cols + 1;
let vertices = (0..rows).flat_map(move |row|{
(0..cols).map(move |col|{
let x = col as f32 / (cols - 1) as f32;
let y = row as f32 / (rows - 1) as f32;
let pos = vec2(x, y);
let pos = vec3!(pos.component_mul(&size) - half, 0.);
let indices = (0..rows-1).flat_map(move |row|{
(0..cols-1).flat_map(move |col|{
row * cols + col,
row * cols + col +1,
row * cols + col +1,
(row + 1) * cols + (col + 1),
(row + 1) * cols + (col + 1),
(row + 1) * cols + col,
(row + 1) * cols + col,
row * cols + col,
Mesh::new(vertices, indices, PrimitiveType::Lines)
pub fn bezier<Point, F>(from: Point, cp1: Point, cp2: Point, to: Point, resolution: u32, mut f: F)
Point: FloatPnt + Copy,
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + NumCast,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates> + Copy,
F: FnMut(Point)
let _3 = cast(3.0).unwrap();
let c = (cp1 - from) * _3;
let b = (cp2 - cp1) * _3 - c;
let a = to - from - c - b;
for i in 0 .. resolution+1{
let t = cast(i as f32 / resolution as f32).unwrap();
let t2 = t*t;
let t3 = t2*t;
let p = from + (a*t3 + b*t2 + c*t);
pub struct BezierIter<Point: FloatPnt>
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates>
a: <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates,
b: <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates,
c: <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates,
from: Point,
i: u32,
resolution: u32,
impl<Point> Iterator for BezierIter<Point>
Point: FloatPnt + Copy,
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + NumCast,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates> + Copy
type Item = Point;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Point>{
if self.i <= self.resolution{
let t = cast(self.i as f64 / self.resolution as f64).unwrap();
let t2 = t*t;
let t3 = t2*t;
self.i += 1;
Some(self.from + (self.a*t3 + self.b*t2 + self.c*t))
pub fn bezier_iter<Point>(from: Point, cp1: Point, cp2: Point, to: Point, resolution: u32) -> BezierIter<Point>
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + NumCast + Copy,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates> + Copy,
Point: FloatPnt + Copy
let _3 = cast(3.0).unwrap();
let c = (cp1 - from) * _3;
let b = (cp2 - cp1) * _3 - c;
let a = to - from - c - b;
i: 0,
c: c,
b: b,
a: a,
resolution: resolution,
pub fn quad_bezier<Point, F>(from: Point, cp1: Point, to: Point, resolution: u32, mut f: F)
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + NumCast,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates>,
Point: FloatPnt + Copy,
F: FnMut(Point)
let _2: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = cast(2.0).unwrap();
let _1: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = one();
for i in 0 .. resolution+1{
let t = cast(i as f32 / resolution as f32).unwrap();
let one_minus_t = _1 - t;
let a = one_minus_t * one_minus_t;
let b = (_2 - t) * one_minus_t;
let c = t*t;
let p = from * a + (cp1 * b).coordinates() + (to * c).coordinates();
struct CubicPolynomial<T>{
a: T,
b: T,
c: T,
d: T,
impl<Point> CubicPolynomial<Point>
Point: FloatPnt + Copy,
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + NumCast + Float,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates> + Copy + ToPnt<Point>,
fn calc(&self, t: <Point as NumPnt>::Field) -> Point {
let t2 = t * t;
let t3 = t2 * t;
self.a + (self.b * t).coordinates() + (self.c * t2).coordinates() + (self.d * t3).coordinates()
fn new(x0: Point, x1: Point, t0: <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates, t1: <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates) -> CubicPolynomial<Point> {
let three: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = cast(3).unwrap();
a: x0,
b: t0.to_pnt(),
c: x0 * cast(-3).unwrap() + (x1 * three).coordinates() - t0 * cast(2).unwrap() - t1,
d: (x0 * cast(2).unwrap() - x1 * cast(2).unwrap() + t0 + t1).to_pnt(),
fn non_uniform_catmullrom(
x0: Point,
x1: Point,
x2: Point,
x3: Point,
dt0: <Point as NumPnt>::Field,
dt1: <Point as NumPnt>::Field,
dt2: <Point as NumPnt>::Field) -> CubicPolynomial<Point>
let mut t1 = (x1 - x0) / dt0 - (x2 - x0) / (dt0 + dt1) + (x2 - x1) / dt1;
let mut t2 = (x2 - x1) / dt1 - (x3 - x1) / (dt1 + dt2) + (x3 - x2) / dt2;
t1 *= dt1;
t2 *= dt1;
CubicPolynomial::new(x1, x2, t1, t2)
fn uniform_catmullrom(x0: Point, x1: Point, x2: Point, x3: Point, alpha: <Point as NumPnt>::Field) -> CubicPolynomial<Point>{
(x2 - x0) * alpha,
(x3 - x1) * alpha,
pub struct CatmullRomIter<'a, Point: FloatPnt>
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates>
points: &'a [Point],
closed: bool,
t: <Point as NumPnt>::Field,
curve_ty: CatmullRom<<Point as NumPnt>::Field>,
resolution: u32,
prev_i: Option<usize>,
polynomial: Option<CubicPolynomial<Point>>,
impl<'a, Point> Iterator for CatmullRomIter<'a, Point>
Point: FloatPnt + Copy,
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + NumCast + Float,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates> + Copy + ToPnt<Point>,
type Item = Point;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Point>{
if self.t > one() {
return None
let l: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = cast(self.points.len()).unwrap();
let fi = (l - if self.closed{ zero() } else { one() }) * self.t;
let i = fi.floor();
let weight = fi - i;
let i: usize = cast(i).unwrap();
if Some(i) != self.prev_i {
let p0 = if self.closed || i > 0 {
self.points[(i - 1) % self.points.len()]
(self.points[0] - self.points[1] + self.points[0].coordinates()).to_pnt()
let p1 = self.points[i % self.points.len()];
let p2 = self.points[(i + 1) % self.points.len()];
let p3 = if self.closed || i + 2 < self.points.len() {
self.points[(i + 2) % self.points.len()]
}else if i + 1 < self.points.len(){
(self.points[i + 1] - self.points[i] + self.points[i + 1].coordinates()).to_pnt()
let alpha = self.curve_ty.alpha();
if self.curve_ty.is_uniform() {
self.polynomial = Some(CubicPolynomial::uniform_catmullrom(p0, p1, p2, p3, alpha));
let mut dt0 = p0.distance_squared(&p1).powf(alpha);
let mut dt1 = p1.distance_squared(&p2).powf(alpha);
let mut dt2 = p2.distance_squared(&p3).powf(alpha);
if dt1 < <Point as NumPnt>::Field::epsilon() {
dt1 = cast(1.).unwrap();
if dt0 < <Point as NumPnt>::Field::epsilon() {
dt0 = dt1;
if dt2 < <Point as NumPnt>::Field::epsilon() {
dt2 = dt1;
self.polynomial = Some(CubicPolynomial::non_uniform_catmullrom(p0, p1, p2, p3, dt0, dt1, dt2));
self.t += one::<<Point as NumPnt>::Field>() / cast(self.resolution).unwrap();
pub enum CatmullRom<T>{
impl<T: NumCast + RealField> CatmullRom<T>{
pub fn is_uniform(self) -> bool {
match self{
CatmullRom::Centripetal | CatmullRom::Chordal | CatmullRom::CustomNonUniform(_) => false,
CatmullRom::Uniform(_) => true,
pub fn alpha(self) -> T {
match self{
CatmullRom::Centripetal => cast(0.25).unwrap(),
CatmullRom::Chordal => cast(0.5).unwrap(),
CatmullRom::CustomNonUniform(alpha) => alpha * cast(0.5).unwrap(),
CatmullRom::Uniform(alpha) => alpha,
pub fn catmull_rom<Point>(p0: &Point, p1: &Point, p2: &Point, p3: &Point, alpha: <Point as NumPnt>::Field, pct: <Point as NumPnt>::Field) -> Point
Point: FloatPnt + Copy,
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + NumCast + Float,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates> + Copy + ToPnt<Point>,
let mut dt0 = p0.distance_squared(p1).powf(alpha);
let mut dt1 = p1.distance_squared(p2).powf(alpha);
let mut dt2 = p2.distance_squared(p3).powf(alpha);
if dt1 < <Point as NumPnt>::Field::epsilon() {
dt1 = cast(1.).unwrap();
if dt0 < <Point as NumPnt>::Field::epsilon() {
dt0 = dt1;
if dt2 < <Point as NumPnt>::Field::epsilon() {
dt2 = dt1;
let polynomial = CubicPolynomial::non_uniform_catmullrom(*p0, *p1, *p2, *p3, dt0, dt1, dt2);
pub fn catmull_rom_vertices<Point, F>(p0: &Point, p1: &Point, p2: &Point, p3: &Point, alpha: <Point as NumPnt>::Field, resolution: u32, mut f: F)
Point: FloatPnt + Copy,
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + NumCast + Float,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates> + Copy + ToPnt<Point>,
F: FnMut(Point)
let polynomial = CubicPolynomial::uniform_catmullrom(*p0, *p1, *p2, *p3, alpha);
let fres: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = cast(resolution).unwrap();
for i in 0 ..= resolution {
let fi: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = cast(i).unwrap();
let pct = fi / fres;
pub fn catmull_rom_iter<Point>(points: &[Point], curve_ty: CatmullRom<<Point as NumPnt>::Field>, resolution: u32) -> Option<CatmullRomIter<Point>>
Point: FloatPnt + Copy,
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + NumCast,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates> + Copy + ToPnt<Point>
if points.len() < 2 {
closed: false,
t: zero(),
polynomial: None,
prev_i: None,
pub fn star_vertices<Point, F>(
center: Point,
r: <Point as NumPnt>::Field,
ri: <Point as NumPnt>::Field,
points: u32,
mut f: F)
u32: SubsetOf<<Point as NumPnt>::Field>,
Point: FloatPnt + Copy,
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + NumCast + Float,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates>,
F: FnMut(Point)
let two_pi: Rad<<Point as NumPnt>::Field> = Rad::two_pi();
let points_two: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = convert(points*2);
let alpha: Rad<<Point as NumPnt>::Field> = two_pi / points_two;
let mut yr = Point::origin().coordinates();
yr[1] = From::from(r);
f(center + yr);
for i in (1 .. points*2).rev() {
let ra = if i % 2 == 1 {ri} else {r};
let float_i: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = cast(i as f32).unwrap();
let omega = alpha * float_i;
let mut v = Point::origin().coordinates();
v[0] = From::from(ra * omega.sin());
v[1] = From::from(ra * omega.cos());
f(center + v);
pub struct ArcIter<Point: FloatPnt>
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates>
i: u32,
resolution: u32,
center: Point,
rx: <Point as NumPnt>::Field,
ry: <Point as NumPnt>::Field,
alpha: Rad<<Point as NumPnt>::Field>,
offset: Rad<<Point as NumPnt>::Field>,
impl<Point> Iterator for ArcIter<Point>
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + Float + NumCast,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates>,
Point: FloatPnt + Copy,
type Item = Point;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Point>{
if self.i <= self.resolution {
let float_i: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = cast(self.i).unwrap();
let omega = self.offset + self.alpha * float_i;
let mut v = Point::origin().coordinates();
v[0] = From::from(self.rx * omega.sin());
v[1] = From::from(self.ry * omega.cos());
self.i += 1;
Some( + v)
pub fn arc_iter<Point, A1, A2>(
center: Point,
rx: <Point as NumPnt>::Field,
ry: <Point as NumPnt>::Field,
init_angle: A1,
angle: A2,
resolution: u32) -> ArcIter<Point>
Point: FloatPnt,
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + NumCast,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates>,
A1: Angle<<Point as NumPnt>::Field>,
A2: Angle<<Point as NumPnt>::Field>,
let float_resolution: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = cast(resolution).unwrap();
let alpha = angle.to_rad() / float_resolution;
let offset = init_angle.to_rad() + Rad::half_pi();
i: 0,
resolution: resolution,
center: center,
rx: rx,
ry: ry,
alpha: alpha,
offset: offset,
pub fn arc_vertices<Point, F> (
center: Point,
rx: <Point as NumPnt>::Field,
ry: <Point as NumPnt>::Field,
init_angle: Deg<<Point as NumPnt>::Field>,
angle: Deg<<Point as NumPnt>::Field>,
resolution: u32,
mut f: F)
<Point as NumPnt>::Field: RealField + Float + NumCast,
<Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates: Neg<Output = <Point as NumPnt>::Coordinates>,
Point: FloatPnt + Copy,
F: FnMut(Point)
let resolution = resolution + 1;
let float_resolution: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = cast((resolution - 1) as f32).unwrap();
let alpha = angle / float_resolution;
let offset = init_angle + Deg::half_pi();
for i in (0 .. resolution).rev() {
let float_i: <Point as NumPnt>::Field = cast(i as f32).unwrap();
let omega = offset + alpha * float_i;
let mut v = Point::origin().coordinates();
v[0] = From::from(rx * omega.sin());
v[1] = From::from(ry * omega.cos());
f(center + v);
pub fn sphere_vertices<F>(rings: u32, sectors: u32, mut emit_vertex: F)
where F: FnMut(Vec3,u32,u32) {
let inv_r = 1.0/(rings) as f64;
let inv_s = 1.0/(sectors) as f64;
for r in 0 .. rings+1{
let y = ( -f64::consts::PI*0.5 + f64::consts::PI * r as f64 * inv_r ).sin();
let tr = ( f64::consts::PI * r as f64 * inv_r ).sin();
for s in 0 .. sectors {
let x = ( 2.0*f64::consts::PI * s as f64 * inv_s).cos() * tr;
let z = ( 2.0*f64::consts::PI * s as f64 * inv_s).sin() * tr;
emit_vertex( vec3(x as f32, y as f32, z as f32),r,s );
emit_vertex( vec3(tr as f32, y as f32, 0.0),r,sectors );
pub fn cone_vertices<F>(radius_segments: u32, height_segments: u32, mut emit_vertex: F)
where F: FnMut(Vec3,u32,u32)
const TWO_PI: f32 = 2.0 * f32::consts::PI;
let angle_step = -1. * TWO_PI / (radius_segments - 1) as f32;
let height_step = 1. / (height_segments - 1) as f32;
for iy in 0 .. height_segments {
for ix in 0 .. radius_segments {
let r = iy as f32 / (height_segments - 1) as f32;
let x = (ix as f32 * angle_step) * r;
let y = (height_step * iy as f32).cos() - 0.5;
let z = (ix as f32 * angle_step) * r;
pub fn cone_cap_vertices<F>(radius_segments: u32, cap_segments: u32, mut emit_vertex: F)
where F: FnMut(Vec3,u32,u32)
const TWO_PI: f32 = 2.0 * f32::consts::PI;
let angle_step = -1. * TWO_PI / (radius_segments - 1) as f32;
for iy in 0 .. cap_segments {
for ix in 0 .. radius_segments {
let r = 1. - iy as f32 / (cap_segments - 1) as f32;
let x = (ix as f32 * angle_step).cos() * r;
let y = 0.5;
let z = (ix as f32 * angle_step).sin() * r;
emit_vertex(vec3(x,y,z), ix, iy);
pub fn lathed(
axis: &Unit<Vec3>,
arm1: &Unit<Vec3>,
arm2: &Unit<Vec3>,
resolution: u32,
points: &[Vec2]) -> Mesh<Vec3>
const TAU: f32 = 6.28318530718;
let mut mesh = Mesh::default();
for i in 0 ..= resolution {
let angle = (i % resolution) as f32 * TAU / resolution as f32 + TAU / 8.;
let c = angle.cos();
let s = angle.sin();
let mat: Matrix3x2<f32> = Matrix3x2::from_columns(&[
arm1.into_inner() * c + arm2.into_inner() * s
let vertices = points.iter().map(|p| mat * p);
if i > 0 {
let indices = (1 .. points.len() as u32).flat_map(|j| {
let i0 = (i - 1) * points.len() as u32 + (j - 1);
let i1 = (i - 0) * points.len() as u32 + (j - 1);
let i2 = (i - 0) * points.len() as u32 + (j - 0);
let i3 = (i - 1) * points.len() as u32 + (j - 0);
vec![i0, i1, i2, i0, i2, i3]
fn recalculate_smooth_normals(mesh: &mut Mesh<Vertex3DNormal>){
for v in mesh.iter_mut(){
v.normal = zero();
for face in mesh.faces_mut(){
let a = face[1].position - face[0].position;
let b = face[2].position - face[0].position;
let normal = a.cross(&b);
face[0].normal += normal;
face[1].normal += normal;
face[2].normal += normal;
for v in mesh.iter_mut(){
let normal = v.normal.normalize();
v.normal = normal;
fn _recalculate_flat_normals(mesh: &mut Mesh<Vertex3DNormal>){
for face in mesh.faces_mut(){
let a = face[1].position - face[0].position;
let b = face[2].position - face[0].position;
let normal = a.cross(&b);
face[0].normal = normal;
face[1].normal = normal;
face[2].normal = normal;
pub fn torus(radius_inner: f32, radius_outter: f32, segment_resolution: u32, segments: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex3DNormal>{
let circle_r = (radius_outter - radius_inner) * 0.5;
let circle_y = radius_inner + circle_r;
let circle: Vec<Vec2> = circle(&pnt2(0., circle_y), circle_r, segment_resolution).into();
let mesh = lathed(
let (vertices, indices) = mesh.into();
let vertices = vertices.into_iter()
.map(|v| vertex3dnormal(v, unsafe{ mem::MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() }))
let mut mesh = Mesh::from_vertices_indices(vertices, indices);
recalculate_smooth_normals(&mut mesh);
pub fn cylinder(radius: f32, height: f32, segments_radius: u32, segments_height: u32) -> Mesh<Vertex3DNormal>{
assert!(segments_radius > 0);
assert!(segments_height > 0);
let circle = arc_iter(
let bottom_center = vec3!(0.);
let top_center = vec3!(0., 0., height);
let vertices = (0..=segments_height)
.flat_map(move |(i, circle)| {
let z = height * (i as f32 / segments_height as f32);
circle.iter().map(move |v| vertex3dnormal(vec3!(v.x, v.y, z), vec3!(v.x, v.y, 0.).normalize()))
.chain(Some(vertex3dnormal(bottom_center, Vec3::z())))
.chain(circle.iter().map(|v| vertex3dnormal(vec3!(v.x, v.y, 0.), Vec3::z())))
.chain(Some(vertex3dnormal(top_center, -Vec3::z())))
.chain(circle.iter().map(|v| vertex3dnormal(vec3!(v.x, v.y, height), -Vec3::z())))
let indices = (0..segments_height).flat_map(move |s| {
let min = segments_radius * s;
let max = segments_radius * (s + 1);
(0..=segments_radius).flat_map(move |i| vec![
i + min,
iwrap(i as i32 - 1, min as i32, max as i32) as IndexT + min,
i + segments_radius + min,
i + min,
i + segments_radius + min,
iwrap(i as i32 + 1, min as i32, max as i32) as IndexT + segments_radius + min,
}).chain((0..=segments_radius).flat_map(|i| {
let bottom_cap_offset = segments_radius * segments_height;
i + 1 + bottom_cap_offset,
iwrap(i as i32, 1 as i32, segments_radius as i32 + 1) as IndexT + bottom_cap_offset,
})).chain((0..=segments_radius).flat_map(|i| {
let top_cap_offset = segments_radius * (segments_height + 1) + 1;
i + 1 + top_cap_offset,
iwrap(i as i32, 1 as i32, segments_radius as i32 + 1) as IndexT + top_cap_offset,
Mesh::new(vertices, indices, PrimitiveType::Triangles)