Crate fixedbitset[−][src]
is a simple fixed size set of bits.
Crate features
(default feature)
Disabling this feature disables using std and instead uses crate alloc. Requires Rust 1.36 to disable.
Rust Version
This version of fixedbitset requires Rust 1.31 or later.
Difference | An iterator producing elements in the difference of two sets. |
FixedBitSet |
Intersection | An iterator producing elements in the intersection of two sets. |
Ones | An iterator producing the indices of the set bit in a set. |
SymmetricDifference | An iterator producing elements in the symmetric difference of two sets. |
Union | An iterator producing elements in the union of two sets. |
IndexRange | IndexRange is implemented by Rust’s built-in range types, produced
by range syntax like |