Crate glin[−][src]
Easy to use, light OpenGL 3+ wrapper
glin aims to be a mostly bindless, simple wrapper over opengl that simplifies and provides a safe api for opengl without aiming to cover every possible case but instead making it easy to use unsafe calls in combination with the safe api when one needs to use extensions or any opengl api that is not covered (yet).
That means for example that in certain cases functions will take GLenums directly as parameters when the particular parameter can change or have several options not originally on the standard through extensions, while parameters that have clearly defined options in the standard will have an enum representation.
The first thing needed to use glin is a Context. A context needs an instance implementing GLWindow to be able to load the Open GL or Open GL ES functions:
#[cfg(feature = "glfw")] use glfw::Context; #[cfg(feature = "glfw")] fn main(){ let mut glfw_instance = glfw::init(glfw::FAIL_ON_ERRORS).unwrap(); glfw_instance.window_hint(glfw::WindowHint::ContextVersion(4, 1)); glfw_instance.window_hint(glfw::WindowHint::OpenGlProfile( glfw::OpenGlProfileHint::Core )); glfw_instance.window_hint(glfw::WindowHint::OpenGlForwardCompat(true)); let (mut window, receiver) = glfw_instance .create_window(1280, 720, "triangle", glfw::WindowMode::Windowed).unwrap(); window.set_key_polling(true); window.make_current(); glfw_instance.set_swap_interval(glfw::SwapInterval::Sync(1)); let gl = glin::Context::new(&mut window).unwrap(); } #[cfg(feature = "egli")] use egli::Display; #[cfg(feature = "egli")] fn main(){ use std::ptr; let mut display = Display::from_default_display() .expect("failed to get EGL display"); display.initialize() .expect("failed to initialize"); let configs = display.config_filter() .choose_configs() .expect("failed to get configurations"); let config = *configs.first().unwrap(); let surface = display.create_window_surface(config, ptr::null_mut()).unwrap(); let context = display .create_context_with_client_version(config, egli::ContextClientVersion::OpenGlEs2) .unwrap(); display.make_current(&surface, &surface, &context).unwrap(); let gl = glin::Context::new(&mut display).unwrap(); } #[cfg(feature = "glutin")] use glutin::GlContext; #[cfg(feature = "glutin")] fn main(){ let mut events_loop = glutin::EventsLoop::new(); let window = glutin::WindowBuilder::new() .with_title("Hello, world!") .with_dimensions(1024, 768); let context = glutin::ContextBuilder::new() .with_vsync(true); let mut gl_window = glutin::GlWindow::new(window, context, &events_loop).unwrap(); unsafe { gl_window.make_current().unwrap(); } let gl = glin::Context::new(&mut gl_window).unwrap(); } #[cfg(not(any(feature="glfw", feature="egli", feature="glutin")))] fn main() {}
Once we have a context we can start creating glin objects and issuing draw calls through it.
Creating glin Objects
To create any glin object you need a context and the constructor calls are done through that context which generally returns a builder that can be customized with more parameters to finally create the desired object:
use glin::gl; struct Vertex{ position: [f32;3], } fn main(){ let buffer_object: glin::Buffer<Vertex> = gl.new_buffer().empty().unwrap(); let program = gl.new_program().from_src(&[ (gl::VERTEX_SHADER, "// vertex shader source"), (gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER, "// fragment shader source"), ]).unwrap(); let _texture = gl.new_texture().from_format(glin::texture::Format{ target: gl::TEXTURE_2D, internal_format: gl::RGBA, width: 640, height: 480, levels: 1, #[cfg(all(not(feature = "gles"), not(feature="webgl")))] samples: 0, }); }
Drawing geometry in glin is done through vaos. A VAO is just an OpenGL vertex array object but also contains a memory reference to the buffers it uses internally.
Apart from the geometry in order to draw something in glin you’ll need a glsl program, it’s uniforms and optionally some properties that customize the drawing.
To use a set of properties, just call with on an exisiting context to create a new context with the original properties + the new properties passed as parameter:
#[macro_use] extern crate glin; use std::mem; use glin::gl; #[derive(VertexFormat)] struct Vertex{ position: [f32;3], } fn main(){ let gl: glin::Context = unsafe{ mem::uninitialized() }; let buffer_object: glin::Buffer<Vertex> = gl.new_buffer().empty().unwrap(); let program = gl.new_program().from_src(&[ (gl::VERTEX_SHADER, "// vertex shader source"), (gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER, "// fragment shader source"), ]).unwrap(); let vao: glin::SimpleVao<Vertex> = gl.new_simple_vao() .empty_from_bindings(&program, gl::TRIANGLES) .unwrap(); let gl = gl.with(&[glin::Property::DepthTest(true)]); gl.draw(&vao, &program, &[]).is_ok(); }
attributes | glsl attributes and utilities to represent them in vaos |
buffer | Buffer Objects are the main way of storing data to be used by the GPU |
cubemap | |
fbo | |
gl | |
macros | |
program | |
query | |
simple_vao | |
texture | |
vao |
attribute_format_by_name | |
hash_map | Create an |
impl_to_attribute_format | |
uniforms | easy way to set uniforms to pass a draw call |
Buffer | A mutable buffer object allocated with gl(Named)BufferData |
BufferStorage | Inmmutable buffer object allocated with gl(Named)BufferStorage |
Capabilities | |
Context | Used to issue draw calls |
CreationProxy | |
CubeMap | Wrapper for a |
DebugGroup | |
DebugInfo | |
DrawArraysIndirectCommand | |
DrawElementsIndirectCommand | |
Error | |
Fbo | Wrapper for an OpenGL frame buffer object |
Fence | A fence can be used to wait until a gpu process has finished |
HashMap | A hash table where the iteration order of the key-value pairs is independent of the hash values of the keys. |
MapReadFlags | |
MapReadWriteFlags | |
MapWriteFlags | |
Program | A wrapper for a glsl program |
Rect | |
Sampler | Wraps an OpenGL sampler |
Screen | |
SharedBuffer | Wrapper around a Buffer with internal reference counting |
SharedBufferStorage | Wrapper around a BufferStorage with internal reference counting |
SimpleVao | Is a simplified version of |
State | Represents the state of a |
Texture | Wraps an OpenGL texture + some metadata about it’s format |
TextureSampler | |
Vao | A wrapper for an OpenGL VAO |
Viewport |
DebugSeverity | |
DebugSource | |
DebugType | |
ErrorKind | |
Property | |
Vendor |
Bindings | Attribute bindings in a program |
BufferRange | A view into a portion of a buffer object |
BufferRangeMut | A writable view into a portion of a buffer |
Color | |
CreationContext | |
CreationContextMut | |
CubemapImage | |
GlWindow | |
Image | |
OffscreenBuffer | |
RenderSurface | |
SurfaceCreationContext | |
UntypedOffscreenBuffer | |
VaoDraw | VaoRange + a draw mode |
VaoRange | range of a vao’s vertices or elements |
VertexFormat | Implemented by vertex types to convert attribute bindings into attribute formats |
gl_format_from_internal | |
gl_type_from_internal |
Type Definitions
IndexT | |
Result |