
In order to use rin you'll need to install rust first. The most common way to install it is to run on a terminal:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

But you can check the official install page for more options.

Rin depends on some c libraries, we plan to remove them at some point but right now you'll need to install cmake and the basic c / c++ development tools so Rust can compile them.

In debian/ubuntu derived distributions you can install them with:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev

In archlinux:

pacman -Sy base-devel cmake libx11 libxrandr libxinerama libxcursor libxi

In fedora:

sudo dnf install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake cmake libx11-devel libxrandr-devel libxinerama-devel libxcursor-devel libxi-devel

Cargo is rust's tool for creating new propjects, downloading dependencies, compile or run projects among others.

Rin provides an extension to Cargo to create new projects that already include the necesary dependencies and an skeleton of an empty application that opens a blank window. It also allows to run projects in the different supported platforms easily, including the browser.

To install rin's cargo extensions:

cargo install cargo-rin

To update to a new version later you can run:

cargo install --force cargo-rin

You can now create new rin projects by running from a console:

cargo rin new project_path

Which will create a default empty project.

From there on you can use plain cargo to build and run your application but cargo rin also gives you more options specific to rin projects. Run cargo rin --help for more options.

Now you can install any IDE with support for Rust (usually through extensions). Rin has been mostly tested with visual code along with the rust-analyzer and Better TOML extensions.

Other IDEs with Rust support should work as well or even just using any text editor and compiling from the command line using cargo build and cargo run.