Crate rin::math [−][src]
This module mostly re-exports na (a graphics oriented wrapper for nalgebra) angle (a type safe wrapper for angle measseures) and adds a few simple functions useful for graphics math
base | [Reexported at the root of this crate.] Data structures for vector and matrix computations. |
cast | |
geometry | [Reexported at the root of this crate.] Data structures for points and usual transformations (rotations, isometries, etc.) |
linalg | [Reexported at the root of this crate.] Factorization of real matrices. |
scalar | Traits implemented by scalar, non-SIMD, types. |
simd | Traits implemented by SIMD types and non-SIMD types. |
traits |
abs_diff_eq | Approximate equality of using the absolute difference. |
abs_diff_ne | Approximate inequality of using the absolute difference. |
assert_abs_diff_eq | An assertion that delegates to [ |
assert_abs_diff_ne | An assertion that delegates to [ |
assert_relative_eq | An assertion that delegates to [ |
assert_relative_ne | An assertion that delegates to [ |
assert_ulps_eq | An assertion that delegates to [ |
assert_ulps_ne | An assertion that delegates to [ |
pnt2 | |
pnt3 | |
pnt4 | |
relative_eq | Approximate equality using both the absolute difference and relative based comparisons. |
relative_ne | Approximate inequality using both the absolute difference and relative based comparisons. |
ulps_eq | Approximate equality using both the absolute difference and ULPs (Units in Last Place). |
ulps_ne | Approximate inequality using both the absolute difference and ULPs (Units in Last Place). |
vec2 | |
vec3 | |
vec4 |
AbsDiff | The requisite parameters for testing for approximate equality using a absolute difference based comparison. |
ArrayStorage | A array-based statically sized matrix data storage. |
Bidiagonal | The bidiagonalization of a general matrix. |
Cholesky | The Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric-definite-positive matrix. |
Complex | A complex number in Cartesian form. |
DefaultAllocator | An allocator based on |
Deg | |
Dynamic | Dim of dynamically-sized algebraic entities. |
EuclideanNorm | Euclidean norm. |
FullPivLU | LU decomposition with full row and column pivoting. |
Hessenberg | Hessenberg decomposition of a general matrix. |
Isometry | A direct isometry, i.e., a rotation followed by a translation (aka. a rigid-body motion). |
LU | LU decomposition with partial (row) pivoting. |
LpNorm | Lp norm. |
Matrix | The most generic column-major matrix (and vector) type. |
Orthographic3 | A 3D orthographic projection stored as a homogeneous 4x4 matrix. |
PermutationSequence | A sequence of row or column permutations. |
Perspective3 | A 3D perspective projection stored as a homogeneous 4x4 matrix. |
Point | A point in an euclidean space. |
QR | The QR decomposition of a general matrix. |
Quaternion | A quaternion. See the type alias |
Rad | |
Rect | Represents a rectangle with operations over it |
Reflection | A reflection wrt. a plane. |
Relative | The requisite parameters for testing for approximate equality using a relative based comparison. |
Rotation | A rotation matrix. |
SVD | Singular Value Decomposition of a general matrix. |
Schur | Schur decomposition of a square matrix. |
Similarity | A similarity, i.e., an uniform scaling, followed by a rotation, followed by a translation. |
SliceStorage | A matrix data storage for a matrix slice. Only contains an internal reference to another matrix data storage. |
SliceStorageMut | A mutable matrix data storage for mutable matrix slice. Only contains an internal mutable reference to another matrix data storage. |
SymmetricEigen | Eigendecomposition of a symmetric matrix. |
SymmetricTridiagonal | Tridiagonalization of a symmetric matrix. |
Transform | A transformation matrix in homogeneous coordinates. |
Translation | A translation. |
U0 | A type level dimension. |
U1 | A type level dimension with a value of |
U2 | A type level dimension. |
U3 | A type level dimension. |
U4 | A type level dimension. |
U5 | A type level dimension. |
U6 | A type level dimension. |
U7 | A type level dimension. |
U8 | A type level dimension. |
U9 | A type level dimension. |
U10 | A type level dimension. |
U11 | A type level dimension. |
U12 | A type level dimension. |
U13 | A type level dimension. |
U14 | A type level dimension. |
U15 | A type level dimension. |
U16 | A type level dimension. |
U17 | A type level dimension. |
U18 | A type level dimension. |
U19 | A type level dimension. |
U20 | A type level dimension. |
U21 | A type level dimension. |
U22 | A type level dimension. |
U23 | A type level dimension. |
U24 | A type level dimension. |
U25 | A type level dimension. |
U26 | A type level dimension. |
U27 | A type level dimension. |
U28 | A type level dimension. |
U29 | A type level dimension. |
U30 | A type level dimension. |
U31 | A type level dimension. |
U32 | A type level dimension. |
U33 | A type level dimension. |
U34 | A type level dimension. |
U35 | A type level dimension. |
U36 | A type level dimension. |
U37 | A type level dimension. |
U38 | A type level dimension. |
U39 | A type level dimension. |
U40 | A type level dimension. |
U41 | A type level dimension. |
U42 | A type level dimension. |
U43 | A type level dimension. |
U44 | A type level dimension. |
U45 | A type level dimension. |
U46 | A type level dimension. |
U47 | A type level dimension. |
U48 | A type level dimension. |
U49 | A type level dimension. |
U50 | A type level dimension. |
U51 | A type level dimension. |
U52 | A type level dimension. |
U53 | A type level dimension. |
U54 | A type level dimension. |
U55 | A type level dimension. |
U56 | A type level dimension. |
U57 | A type level dimension. |
U58 | A type level dimension. |
U59 | A type level dimension. |
U60 | A type level dimension. |
U61 | A type level dimension. |
U62 | A type level dimension. |
U63 | A type level dimension. |
U64 | A type level dimension. |
U65 | A type level dimension. |
U66 | A type level dimension. |
U67 | A type level dimension. |
U68 | A type level dimension. |
U69 | A type level dimension. |
U70 | A type level dimension. |
U71 | A type level dimension. |
U72 | A type level dimension. |
U73 | A type level dimension. |
U74 | A type level dimension. |
U75 | A type level dimension. |
U76 | A type level dimension. |
U77 | A type level dimension. |
U78 | A type level dimension. |
U79 | A type level dimension. |
U80 | A type level dimension. |
U81 | A type level dimension. |
U82 | A type level dimension. |
U83 | A type level dimension. |
U84 | A type level dimension. |
U85 | A type level dimension. |
U86 | A type level dimension. |
U87 | A type level dimension. |
U88 | A type level dimension. |
U89 | A type level dimension. |
U90 | A type level dimension. |
U91 | A type level dimension. |
U92 | A type level dimension. |
U93 | A type level dimension. |
U94 | A type level dimension. |
U95 | A type level dimension. |
U96 | A type level dimension. |
U97 | A type level dimension. |
U98 | A type level dimension. |
U99 | A type level dimension. |
U100 | A type level dimension. |
U101 | A type level dimension. |
U102 | A type level dimension. |
U103 | A type level dimension. |
U104 | A type level dimension. |
U105 | A type level dimension. |
U106 | A type level dimension. |
U107 | A type level dimension. |
U108 | A type level dimension. |
U109 | A type level dimension. |
U110 | A type level dimension. |
U111 | A type level dimension. |
U112 | A type level dimension. |
U113 | A type level dimension. |
U114 | A type level dimension. |
U115 | A type level dimension. |
U116 | A type level dimension. |
U117 | A type level dimension. |
U118 | A type level dimension. |
U119 | A type level dimension. |
U120 | A type level dimension. |
U121 | A type level dimension. |
U122 | A type level dimension. |
U123 | A type level dimension. |
U124 | A type level dimension. |
U125 | A type level dimension. |
U126 | A type level dimension. |
U127 | A type level dimension. |
Ulps | The requisite parameters for testing for approximate equality using an ULPs based comparison. |
UniformNorm | L-infinite norm aka. Chebytchev norm aka. uniform norm aka. suppremum norm. |
Unit | A wrapper that ensures the underlying algebraic entity has a unit norm. |
VecStorage | A Vec-based matrix data storage. It may be dynamically-sized. |
RotOrder | |
TAffine | Tag representing an affine |
TGeneral | Tag representing the most general (not necessarily inversible) |
TProjective | Tag representing the most general inversible |
AbsDiffEq | Equality that is defined using the absolute difference of two numbers. |
AbstractRotation | Trait implemented by rotations that can be used inside of an |
Angle | |
AsMat | |
AsPnt | |
AsVec | |
BaseInt | |
BaseNum | |
ClosedAdd | Trait alias for |
ClosedDiv | Trait alias for |
ClosedMul | Trait alias for |
ClosedSub | Trait alias for |
ComplexField | Trait shared by all complex fields and its subfields (like real numbers). |
Dim | Trait implemented by any type that can be used as a dimension. This includes type-level
integers and |
DimAdd | |
DimDiv | |
DimMax | |
DimMin | |
DimMul | |
DimName | Trait implemented exclusively by type-level integers. |
DimNameAdd | |
DimNameDiv | |
DimNameMax | |
DimNameMin | |
DimNameMul | |
DimNameSub | |
DimSub | |
FastInverse | |
Field | Trait implemented by fields, i.e., complex numbers and floats. |
Float | Generic trait for floating point numbers |
FloatPnt | Trait of vector with components implementing the |
FloatVec | Trait of vector with components implementing the |
InsideRect | Trait to calculate if something is inside a rectangle |
IsDynamic | Trait implemented by |
IsNotStaticOne | Trait implemented by |
IsParallel | |
NamedDim | |
Norm | A trait for abstract matrix norms. |
Normed | Trait implemented by entities scan be be normalized and put in an |
NumCast | An interface for casting between machine scalars. |
NumPnt | Trait grouping most common operations on points. |
NumVec | Trait grouping most common operations on vectors. |
One | Defines a multiplicative identity element for |
RealField | Trait shared by all reals. |
RelativeEq | Equality comparisons between two numbers using both the absolute difference and relative based comparisons. |
Scalar | The basic scalar type for all structures of |
SimdBool | Lane-wise generalization of |
SimdComplexField | Lane-wise generalisation of |
SimdPartialOrd | Lane-wise generalization of the standard |
SimdRealField | Lanewise generalization of |
SliceRange | A range with a size that may be known at compile-time. |
Storage | The trait shared by all matrix data storage. |
StorageMut | Trait implemented by matrix data storage that can provide a mutable access to its elements. |
SubTCategoryOf | Indicates that |
SuperTCategoryOf | Indicates that |
Swizzles2 | |
Swizzles2Mut | |
Swizzles3 | |
Swizzles3Mut | |
Swizzles4 | |
Swizzles4Mut | |
TCategory | Trait implemented by phantom types identifying the projective transformation type. |
TCategoryMul | Traits that gives the |
ToMat | |
ToPnt | |
ToPrimitive | A generic trait for converting a value to a number. |
ToVec | |
UlpsEq | Equality comparisons between two numbers using both the absolute difference and ULPs (Units in Last Place) based comparisons. |
Zero | Defines an additive identity element for |
abs | Deprecated The absolute value of |
add_translation | Adds a 3d translation to a Mat4 |
angle_cast | |
atan2 | |
bezier_interpolate | Bezier interpolation from |
cast | Cast from one machine scalar to another. |
center | The center of two points. |
clamp | Returns a reference to the input value clamped to the interval |
convert | Converts an object from one type to an equivalent or more general one. |
convert_ref | Converts an object from one type to an equivalent or more general one. |
convert_ref_unchecked | Use with care! Same as |
convert_unchecked | Use with care! Same as |
distance | The distance between two points. |
distance_squared | The squared distance between two points. |
euler_to_quaternion | Convert euler angles with a certain rotation order into a quaternion |
inf | Deprecated Returns the infimum of |
inf_sup | Deprecated Returns simultaneously the infimum and supremum of |
is_convertible | Indicates if |
iwrap | Wrap an integer value in the range |
lerp | Linear interpolation |
line_segment_intersection | Intersection of line segments p0 - p1 and p2 - p3 |
map | Map a value from an input range |
map_clamp | Map a value from an input range |
max | Same as |
min | Same as |
next_multiple | |
next_pow2 | Next power of two |
one | Gets the multiplicative identity element. |
partial_clamp | Clamp |
partial_cmp | Compare |
partial_ge | Returns |
partial_gt | Returns |
partial_le | Returns |
partial_lt | Returns |
partial_max | Return the maximum of |
partial_min | Return the minimum of |
partial_sort2 | Sorts two values in increasing order using a partial ordering. |
pnt2 | |
pnt3 | |
pnt4 | |
pnt5 | |
pnt6 | |
smoothstep | |
sup | Deprecated Returns the supremum of |
to_euler | Convert a quaternion to euler angles |
to_tait_bryan | Convert a quaternion to tait bryan angles |
try_convert | Attempts to convert an object to a more specific one. |
try_convert_ref | Attempts to convert an object to a more specific one. |
try_invert_to | Performs a LU decomposition to overwrite |
vec2 | |
vec3 | |
vec4 | |
vec5 | |
vec6 | |
wilkinson_shift | Computes the wilkinson shift, i.e., the 2x2 symmetric matrix eigenvalue to its tailing
component |
wrap | Wrap a value in the range |
zero | Gets the additive identity element. |
Type Definitions
Affine2 | A 2D affine transformation. Stored as a homogeneous 3x3 matrix. |
Affine3 | A 3D affine transformation. Stored as a homogeneous 4x4 matrix. |
DMatrix | A dynamically sized column-major matrix. |
DMatrixSlice | A column-major matrix slice dynamic numbers of rows and columns. |
DMatrixSliceMut | A column-major matrix slice dynamic numbers of rows and columns. |
DVector | A dynamically sized column vector. |
DVectorSlice | A column vector slice dynamic numbers of rows and columns. |
DVectorSliceMut | A column vector slice dynamic numbers of rows and columns. |
DimDiff | |
DimMaximum | |
DimMinimum | |
DimNameDiff | |
DimNameMaximum | |
DimNameMinimum | |
DimNameProd | |
DimNameQuot | |
DimNameSum | |
DimProd | |
DimQuot | |
DimSum | |
DualQuat | |
DualQuaternion | |
Isometry2 | |
Isometry3 | |
IsometryMatrix2 | A 2-dimensional direct isometry using a rotation matrix for its rotational part. |
IsometryMatrix3 | A 3-dimensional direct isometry using a rotation matrix for its rotational part. |
Mat1 | |
Mat2 | |
Mat3 | |
Mat4 | |
Mat5 | |
Mat6 | |
Matrix1 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 1x1 square matrix. |
Matrix1x2 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 1x2 matrix. |
Matrix1x3 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 1x3 matrix. |
Matrix1x4 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 1x4 matrix. |
Matrix1x5 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 1x5 matrix. |
Matrix1x6 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 1x6 matrix. |
Matrix1xX | A heap-allocated, row-major, matrix with 1 rows and a dynamic number of columns. |
Matrix2 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 2x2 square matrix. |
Matrix2x1 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 2x1 matrix. |
Matrix2x3 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 2x3 matrix. |
Matrix2x4 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 2x4 matrix. |
Matrix2x5 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 2x5 matrix. |
Matrix2x6 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 2x6 matrix. |
Matrix2xX | A heap-allocated, row-major, matrix with 2 rows and a dynamic number of columns. |
Matrix3 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 3x3 square matrix. |
Matrix3x1 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 3x1 matrix. |
Matrix3x2 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 3x2 matrix. |
Matrix3x4 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 3x4 matrix. |
Matrix3x5 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 3x5 matrix. |
Matrix3x6 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 3x6 matrix. |
Matrix3xX | A heap-allocated, row-major, matrix with 3 rows and a dynamic number of columns. |
Matrix4 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 4x4 square matrix. |
Matrix4x1 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 4x1 matrix. |
Matrix4x2 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 4x2 matrix. |
Matrix4x3 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 4x3 matrix. |
Matrix4x5 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 4x5 matrix. |
Matrix4x6 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 4x6 matrix. |
Matrix4xX | A heap-allocated, row-major, matrix with 4 rows and a dynamic number of columns. |
Matrix5 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 5x5 square matrix. |
Matrix5x1 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 5x1 matrix. |
Matrix5x2 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 5x2 matrix. |
Matrix5x3 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 5x3 matrix. |
Matrix5x4 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 5x4 matrix. |
Matrix5x6 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 5x6 matrix. |
Matrix5xX | A heap-allocated, row-major, matrix with 5 rows and a dynamic number of columns. |
Matrix6 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 6x6 square matrix. |
Matrix6x1 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 6x1 matrix. |
Matrix6x2 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 6x2 matrix. |
Matrix6x3 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 6x3 matrix. |
Matrix6x4 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 6x4 matrix. |
Matrix6x5 | A stack-allocated, column-major, 6x5 matrix. |
Matrix6xX | A heap-allocated, row-major, matrix with 6 rows and a dynamic number of columns. |
MatrixArray | Deprecated Renamed to ArrayStorage. |
MatrixCross | The type of the result of a matrix cross product. |
MatrixMN | A statically sized column-major matrix with |
MatrixN | A statically sized column-major square matrix with |
MatrixNM | Deprecated A statically sized column-major matrix with |
MatrixSlice | A matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice1 | A column-major 1x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice1x2 | A column-major 1x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice1x3 | A column-major 1x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice1x4 | A column-major 1x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice1x5 | A column-major 1x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice1x6 | A column-major 1x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice1xX | A column-major matrix slice with 1 row and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSlice2 | A column-major 2x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice2x1 | A column-major 2x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice2x3 | A column-major 2x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice2x4 | A column-major 2x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice2x5 | A column-major 2x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice2x6 | A column-major 2x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice2xX | A column-major matrix slice with 2 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSlice3 | A column-major 3x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice3x1 | A column-major 3x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice3x2 | A column-major 3x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice3x4 | A column-major 3x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice3x5 | A column-major 3x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice3x6 | A column-major 3x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice3xX | A column-major matrix slice with 3 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSlice4 | A column-major 4x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice4x1 | A column-major 4x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice4x2 | A column-major 4x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice4x3 | A column-major 4x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice4x5 | A column-major 4x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice4x6 | A column-major 4x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice4xX | A column-major matrix slice with 4 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSlice5 | A column-major 5x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice5x1 | A column-major 5x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice5x2 | A column-major 5x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice5x3 | A column-major 5x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice5x4 | A column-major 5x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice5x6 | A column-major 5x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice5xX | A column-major matrix slice with 5 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSlice6 | A column-major 6x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice6x1 | A column-major 6x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice6x2 | A column-major 6x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice6x3 | A column-major 6x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice6x4 | A column-major 6x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice6x5 | A column-major 6x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSlice6xX | A column-major matrix slice with 6 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSliceMN | A column-major matrix slice with |
MatrixSliceMut | A mutable matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut1 | A column-major 1x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut1x2 | A column-major 1x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut1x3 | A column-major 1x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut1x4 | A column-major 1x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut1x5 | A column-major 1x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut1x6 | A column-major 1x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut1xX | A column-major matrix slice with 1 row and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSliceMut2 | A column-major 2x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut2x1 | A column-major 2x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut2x3 | A column-major 2x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut2x4 | A column-major 2x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut2x5 | A column-major 2x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut2x6 | A column-major 2x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut2xX | A column-major matrix slice with 2 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSliceMut3 | A column-major 3x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut3x1 | A column-major 3x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut3x2 | A column-major 3x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut3x4 | A column-major 3x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut3x5 | A column-major 3x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut3x6 | A column-major 3x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut3xX | A column-major matrix slice with 3 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSliceMut4 | A column-major 4x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut4x1 | A column-major 4x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut4x2 | A column-major 4x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut4x3 | A column-major 4x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut4x5 | A column-major 4x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut4x6 | A column-major 4x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut4xX | A column-major matrix slice with 4 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSliceMut5 | A column-major 5x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut5x1 | A column-major 5x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut5x2 | A column-major 5x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut5x3 | A column-major 5x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut5x4 | A column-major 5x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut5x6 | A column-major 5x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut5xX | A column-major matrix slice with 5 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSliceMut6 | A column-major 6x6 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut6x1 | A column-major 6x1 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut6x2 | A column-major 6x2 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut6x3 | A column-major 6x3 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut6x4 | A column-major 6x4 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut6x5 | A column-major 6x5 matrix slice. |
MatrixSliceMut6xX | A column-major matrix slice with 6 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. |
MatrixSliceMutMN | A column-major matrix slice with |
MatrixSliceMutN | A column-major matrix slice with |
MatrixSliceMutXx1 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 1 column. |
MatrixSliceMutXx2 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 2 columns. |
MatrixSliceMutXx3 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 3 columns. |
MatrixSliceMutXx4 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 4 columns. |
MatrixSliceMutXx5 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 5 columns. |
MatrixSliceMutXx6 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 6 columns. |
MatrixSliceN | A column-major matrix slice with |
MatrixSliceXx1 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 1 column. |
MatrixSliceXx2 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 2 columns. |
MatrixSliceXx3 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 3 columns. |
MatrixSliceXx4 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 4 columns. |
MatrixSliceXx5 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 5 columns. |
MatrixSliceXx6 | A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 6 columns. |
MatrixSum | The type of the result of a matrix sum. |
MatrixVec | Deprecated Renamed to VecStorage. |
MatrixXx1 | A heap-allocated, column-major, matrix with a dynamic number of rows and 1 columns. |
MatrixXx2 | A heap-allocated, column-major, matrix with a dynamic number of rows and 2 columns. |
MatrixXx3 | A heap-allocated, column-major, matrix with a dynamic number of rows and 3 columns. |
MatrixXx4 | A heap-allocated, column-major, matrix with a dynamic number of rows and 4 columns. |
MatrixXx5 | A heap-allocated, column-major, matrix with a dynamic number of rows and 5 columns. |
MatrixXx6 | A heap-allocated, column-major, matrix with a dynamic number of rows and 6 columns. |
Pnt1 | |
Pnt2 | |
Pnt3 | |
Pnt4 | |
Pnt5 | |
Pnt6 | |
Point1 | A statically sized 1-dimensional column point. |
Point2 | A statically sized 2-dimensional column point. |
Point3 | A statically sized 3-dimensional column point. |
Point4 | A statically sized 4-dimensional column point. |
Point5 | A statically sized 5-dimensional column point. |
Point6 | A statically sized 6-dimensional column point. |
Projective2 | An invertible 2D general transformation. Stored as a homogeneous 3x3 matrix. |
Projective3 | An invertible 3D general transformation. Stored as a homogeneous 4x4 matrix. |
Quat | |
Rotation2 | |
Rotation3 | |
RowDVector | A dynamically sized row vector. |
RowVector | A matrix with one row and |
RowVector1 | A stack-allocated, 1-dimensional row vector. |
RowVector2 | A stack-allocated, 2-dimensional row vector. |
RowVector3 | A stack-allocated, 3-dimensional row vector. |
RowVector4 | A stack-allocated, 4-dimensional row vector. |
RowVector5 | A stack-allocated, 5-dimensional row vector. |
RowVector6 | A stack-allocated, 6-dimensional row vector. |
RowVectorN | A statically sized D-dimensional row vector. |
Similarity2 | A 2-dimensional similarity. |
Similarity3 | A 3-dimensional similarity. |
SimilarityMatrix2 | A 2-dimensional similarity using a rotation matrix for its rotation part. |
SimilarityMatrix3 | A 3-dimensional similarity using a rotation matrix for its rotation part. |
SquareMatrix | A square matrix. |
Transform2 | A 2D general transformation that may not be invertible. Stored as a homogeneous 3x3 matrix. |
Transform3 | A 3D general transformation that may not be inversible. Stored as a homogeneous 4x4 matrix. |
Translation1 | A 1-dimensional translation. |
Translation2 | |
Translation3 | |
Translation4 | A 4-dimensional translation. |
Translation5 | A 5-dimensional translation. |
Translation6 | A 6-dimensional translation. |
UnitComplex | A 2D rotation represented as a complex number with magnitude 1. |
UnitQuat | |
UnitQuaternion | A unit quaternions. May be used to represent a rotation. |
Vec1 | |
Vec2 | |
Vec3 | |
Vec4 | |
Vec5 | |
Vec6 | |
VecN | |
Vector | A matrix with one column and |
Vector1 | A stack-allocated, 1-dimensional column vector. |
Vector2 | A stack-allocated, 2-dimensional column vector. |
Vector3 | A stack-allocated, 3-dimensional column vector. |
Vector4 | A stack-allocated, 4-dimensional column vector. |
Vector5 | A stack-allocated, 5-dimensional column vector. |
Vector6 | A stack-allocated, 6-dimensional column vector. |
VectorN | A statically sized D-dimensional column vector. |
VectorSlice1 | A 1D column vector slice. |
VectorSlice2 | A 2D column vector slice. |
VectorSlice3 | A 3D column vector slice. |
VectorSlice4 | A 4D column vector slice. |
VectorSlice5 | A 5D column vector slice. |
VectorSlice6 | A 6D column vector slice. |
VectorSliceMut1 | A 1D column vector slice. |
VectorSliceMut2 | A 2D column vector slice. |
VectorSliceMut3 | A 3D column vector slice. |
VectorSliceMut4 | A 4D column vector slice. |
VectorSliceMut5 | A 5D column vector slice. |
VectorSliceMut6 | A 6D column vector slice. |
VectorSliceMutN | A column vector slice with |
VectorSliceN | A column vector slice with |
VectorSum | The type of the result of a matrix sum. |