Module ncollide3d::pipeline::narrow_phase [−][src]
Persistent collision detection algorithms to compute contact points.
BallBallManifoldGenerator | Collision detector between two balls. |
BallBallProximityDetector | Proximity detector between two balls. |
BallConvexPolyhedronManifoldGenerator | Collision detector between two balls. |
CapsuleCapsuleManifoldGenerator | Collision detector between a concave shape and another shape. |
CapsuleShapeManifoldGenerator | Collision detector between a concave shape and another shape. |
CompositeShapeCompositeShapeManifoldGenerator | Collision detector between a concave shape and another shape. |
CompositeShapeShapeManifoldGenerator | Collision detector between a concave shape and another shape. |
CompositeShapeShapeProximityDetector | Proximity detector between a concave shape and another shape. |
ConvexPolyhedronConvexPolyhedronManifoldGenerator | |
DefaultContactDispatcher | Collision dispatcher for shapes defined by |
DefaultProximityDispatcher | Proximity dispatcher for shapes defined by |
EventPool | A set of events. |
HeightFieldShapeManifoldGenerator | Collision detector between an heightfield and another shape. |
InteractionGraph | A graph where nodes are collision objects and edges are contact or proximity algorithms. |
NarrowPhase | Collision detector dispatcher for collision objects. |
PlaneBallManifoldGenerator | Collision detector between g1 plane and g1 shape implementing the |
PlaneConvexPolyhedronManifoldGenerator | Collision detector between g1 plane and g1 shape implementing the |
PlaneSupportMapProximityDetector | Proximity detector between a plane and a shape implementing the |
ProximityEvent | Events occuring when two collision objects start or stop being in close proximity, contact, or disjoint. |
SupportMapPlaneProximityDetector | Proximity detector between a plane and a shape implementing the |
SupportMapSupportMapProximityDetector | Persistent proximity detector between two shapes having a support mapping function. |
TriMeshTriMeshManifoldGenerator | Collision detector between a concave shape and another shape. |
ContactEvent | Events occuring when two collision objects start or stop being in contact (or penetration). |
Interaction | An interaction between two collision objects. |
ContactDispatcher | |
ContactManifoldGenerator | An algorithm to compute contact points, normals and penetration depths between two specific objects. |
ProximityDetector | Trait implemented by algorithms that determine if two objects are in close proximity. |
ProximityDispatcher |
Type Definitions
CollisionObjectGraphIndex | Index of a node of the interaction graph. |
ContactAlgorithm | |
ContactEvents | A set of contact events. |
ProximityAlgorithm | |
ProximityEvents | A set of proximity events. |
TemporaryInteractionIndex | Temporary index to and edge of the interaction graph. |