extern crate num_traits;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
use std::f64;
use std::ops::{Add,Mul,Div,Sub,Neg};
use std::ops::{AddAssign,MulAssign,DivAssign,SubAssign};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use num_traits::{Zero,Float,Num,Signed,zero,NumCast};
use num_traits::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive};
pub trait Angle<N>{
fn pi() -> Self where N: NumCast;
fn two_pi() -> Self where N: NumCast;
fn half_pi() -> Self where N: NumCast;
fn to_rad(self) -> Rad<N> where N: NumCast;
fn to_deg(self) -> Deg<N> where N: NumCast;
fn wrap(self) -> Self where N: NumCast + Clone;
fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self where N: PartialOrd + NumCast + Clone;
fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self where N: PartialOrd + NumCast + Clone;
fn value(self) -> N;
fn as_value(&self) -> &N;
fn sin(self) -> N where N:Float + NumCast;
fn cos(self) -> N where N:Float + NumCast;
fn tan(self) -> N where N:Float + NumCast;
fn sin_cos(self) -> (N,N) where N:Float + NumCast;
fn abs(self) -> Self where N: Signed;
pub struct Deg<N>(pub N);
pub struct Rad<N>(pub N);
impl<N: Num> Angle<N> for Deg<N>{
fn to_rad(self) -> Rad<N> where N: NumCast{
Rad(self.value() * num_traits::cast(f64::consts::PI).unwrap() / num_traits::cast(180.0).unwrap())
fn to_deg(self) -> Deg<N>{
fn pi() -> Deg<N> where N: NumCast{
fn two_pi() -> Deg<N> where N: NumCast{
fn half_pi() -> Deg<N> where N: NumCast{
fn wrap(self) -> Deg<N> where N: NumCast + Clone{
let selff: f64 = num_traits::cast(self.value()).unwrap();
let norm: f64 = selff / Deg::<f64>::two_pi().value();
let floor: f64 = norm.floor();
let v: N = num_traits::cast(selff - Deg::<f64>::two_pi().value() * floor).unwrap();
fn max(self, other: Deg<N>) -> Deg<N> where N: PartialOrd + NumCast + Clone{
let v = self.value();
let o = other.value();
if v > o { Deg(v) } else { Deg(o) }
fn min(self, other: Deg<N>) -> Deg<N> where N: PartialOrd + NumCast + Clone{
let v = self.value();
let o = other.value();
if v < o { Deg(v) } else { Deg(o) }
fn value(self) -> N{
fn as_value(&self) -> &N{
fn sin(self) -> N
where N: Float + NumCast {
fn cos(self) -> N
where N: Float + NumCast {
fn tan(self) -> N
where N: Float + NumCast {
fn sin_cos(self) -> (N,N)
where N: Float + NumCast {
fn abs(self) -> Deg<N>
where N: Signed
impl<N: Num> Angle<N> for Rad<N>{
fn to_rad(self) -> Rad<N>{
fn to_deg( self) -> Deg<N> where N: NumCast{
Deg(self.0 * num_traits::cast(180.0).unwrap() / num_traits::cast(f64::consts::PI).unwrap())
fn pi() -> Rad<N> where N: NumCast{
fn two_pi() -> Rad<N> where N: NumCast{
let pi: N = num_traits::cast(f64::consts::PI).unwrap();
Rad(pi * num_traits::cast(2.0).unwrap())
fn half_pi() -> Rad<N> where N: NumCast{
let pi: N = num_traits::cast(f64::consts::PI).unwrap();
Rad(pi * num_traits::cast(0.5).unwrap())
fn wrap(self) -> Rad<N> where N: NumCast + Clone {
let selff: f64 = num_traits::cast(self.value()).unwrap();
let norm: f64 = selff / Rad::<f64>::two_pi().value();
let floor: f64 = norm.floor();
let v: N = num_traits::cast(selff - Rad::<f64>::two_pi().value() * floor).unwrap();
fn max(self, other: Rad<N>) -> Rad<N> where N: PartialOrd + NumCast + Clone {
let v = self.value();
let o = other.value();
if v > o { Rad(v) } else { Rad(o) }
fn min(self, other: Rad<N>) -> Rad<N> where N: PartialOrd + NumCast + Clone {
let v = self.value();
let o = other.value();
if v < o { Rad(v) } else { Rad(o) }
fn value(self) -> N{
fn as_value(&self) -> &N{
fn sin(self) -> N
where N: Float {
fn cos(self) -> N
where N: Float {
fn tan(self) -> N
where N: Float {
fn sin_cos(self) -> (N,N)
where N: Float {
fn abs(self) -> Rad<N> where N:Signed{
impl<N: Num + Zero + NumCast + Clone> Zero for Deg<N>{
fn zero() -> Deg<N>{
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool{
impl<N: Num + Zero + NumCast + Clone> Zero for Rad<N>{
fn zero() -> Rad<N>{
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool{
impl<N: Add<N, Output = N>> Add for Deg<N>{
type Output = Deg<N>;
fn add(self, other: Deg<N>) -> Deg<N>{
Deg(self.0 + other.0)
impl<N: Add<N, Output = N>> Add for Rad<N>{
type Output = Rad<N>;
fn add(self, other: Rad<N>) -> Rad<N>{
Rad(self.0 + other.0)
impl<N: AddAssign<N>> AddAssign for Deg<N>{
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Deg<N>){
self.0 += other.0
impl<N: AddAssign<N>> AddAssign for Rad<N>{
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Rad<N>){
self.0 += other.0
impl<N: Sub<N, Output = N>> Sub for Deg<N>{
type Output = Deg<N>;
fn sub(self, other: Deg<N>) -> Deg<N>{
Deg(self.0 - other.0)
impl<N: Sub<N, Output = N>> Sub for Rad<N>{
type Output = Rad<N>;
fn sub(self, other: Rad<N>) -> Rad<N>{
Rad(self.0 - other.0)
impl<N: SubAssign<N>> SubAssign for Deg<N>{
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Deg<N>){
self.0 -= other.0
impl<N: SubAssign<N>> SubAssign for Rad<N>{
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Rad<N>){
self.0 -= other.0
impl<N: Mul<N, Output = N>> Mul for Deg<N>{
type Output = Deg<N>;
fn mul(self, other: Deg<N>) -> Deg<N>{
Deg(self.0 * other.0)
impl<N: Mul<N, Output = N>> Mul for Rad<N>{
type Output = Rad<N>;
fn mul(self, other: Rad<N>) -> Rad<N>{
Rad(self.0 * other.0)
impl<N: Mul<N, Output = N>> Mul<N> for Deg<N>{
type Output = Deg<N>;
fn mul(self, other: N) -> Deg<N>{
Deg(self.0 * other)
impl<N: Mul<N, Output = N>> Mul<N> for Rad<N>{
type Output = Rad<N>;
fn mul(self, other: N) -> Rad<N>{
Rad(self.0 * other)
impl<N: MulAssign<N>> MulAssign for Deg<N>{
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Deg<N>){
self.0 *= other.0
impl<N: MulAssign<N>> MulAssign for Rad<N>{
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Rad<N>){
self.0 *= other.0
impl<N: MulAssign<N>> MulAssign<N> for Deg<N>{
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: N){
self.0 *= other
impl<N: MulAssign<N>> MulAssign<N> for Rad<N>{
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: N){
self.0 *= other
impl<N: Div<N, Output = N>> Div for Deg<N>{
type Output = Deg<N>;
fn div(self, other: Deg<N>) -> Deg<N>{
Deg(self.0 / other.0)
impl<N: Div<N, Output = N>> Div for Rad<N>{
type Output = Rad<N>;
fn div(self, other: Rad<N>) -> Rad<N>{
Rad(self.0 / other.0)
impl<N: Div<N, Output = N>> Div<N> for Deg<N>{
type Output = Deg<N>;
fn div(self, other: N) -> Deg<N>{
Deg(self.0 / other)
impl<N: Div<N, Output = N>> Div<N> for Rad<N>{
type Output = Rad<N>;
fn div(self, other: N) -> Rad<N>{
Rad(self.0 / other)
impl<N: DivAssign<N>> DivAssign for Deg<N>{
fn div_assign(&mut self, other: Deg<N>){
self.0 /= other.0
impl<N: DivAssign<N>> DivAssign for Rad<N>{
fn div_assign(&mut self, other: Rad<N>){
self.0 /= other.0
impl<N: DivAssign<N>> DivAssign<N> for Deg<N>{
fn div_assign(&mut self, other: N){
self.0 /= other
impl<N: DivAssign<N>> DivAssign<N> for Rad<N>{
fn div_assign(&mut self, other: N){
self.0 /= other
impl<N: Neg<Output=N>> Neg for Deg<N>{
type Output = Deg<N>;
fn neg(self) -> Deg<N>{
impl<N: Neg<Output=N>> Neg for Rad<N>{
type Output = Rad<N>;
fn neg(self) -> Rad<N>{
impl<N: PartialEq + Num + Clone + NumCast> PartialEq for Deg<N>{
fn eq(&self, other: &Deg<N>) -> bool{
impl<N: Eq + PartialEq + Num + Clone + NumCast> Eq for Deg<N>{}
impl<N: PartialEq + Num + Clone + NumCast> PartialEq for Rad<N>{
fn eq(&self, other: &Rad<N>) -> bool{
impl<N: Eq + PartialEq + Num + Clone + NumCast> Eq for Rad<N>{}
impl<N: PartialOrd + Num + Clone + NumCast> PartialOrd for Deg<N>{
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Deg<N>) -> Option<Ordering>{
impl<N: Ord + PartialEq + Num + Clone + NumCast> Ord for Deg<N>{
fn cmp(&self, other: &Deg<N>) -> Ordering{
impl<N: PartialOrd + Num + Clone + NumCast> PartialOrd for Rad<N>{
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Rad<N>) -> Option<Ordering>{
impl<N: Ord + PartialEq + Num + Clone + NumCast> Ord for Rad<N>{
fn cmp(&self, other: &Rad<N>) -> Ordering{
impl<N1: From<N2>, N2: Num + Clone + NumCast> From<Rad<N2>> for Deg<N1>{
fn from(t: Rad<N2>) -> Deg<N1>{
impl<N1: From<N2>, N2: Num + Clone + NumCast> From<Deg<N2>> for Rad<N1>{
fn from(t: Deg<N2>) -> Rad<N1>{
impl<N: FromPrimitive> FromPrimitive for Deg<N>{
fn from_i64(n: i64) -> Option<Deg<N>>{
N::from_i64(n).map(|n| Deg(n))
fn from_u64(n: u64) -> Option<Deg<N>>{
N::from_u64(n).map(|n| Deg(n))
impl<N: FromPrimitive> FromPrimitive for Rad<N>{
fn from_i64(n: i64) -> Option<Rad<N>>{
N::from_i64(n).map(|n| Rad(n))
fn from_u64(n: u64) -> Option<Rad<N>>{
N::from_u64(n).map(|n| Rad(n))
impl<N: ToPrimitive> ToPrimitive for Deg<N>{
fn to_i64(&self) -> Option<i64>{
fn to_u64(&self) -> Option<u64>{
impl<N: ToPrimitive> ToPrimitive for Rad<N>{
fn to_i64(&self) -> Option<i64>{
fn to_u64(&self) -> Option<u64>{
impl<N: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for Deg<N>{
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result{
write!(f, "{} deg", self.0)
impl<N: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for Rad<N>{
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result{
write!(f, "{} rad", self.0)
impl<N> Hash for Deg<N> where N: Hash{
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H){
impl<N> Hash for Rad<N> where N: Hash{
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H){
pub trait AngleCast{
fn from<N: NumCast + Num, T: Angle<N>>(v: T) -> Option<Self> where Self: Sized;
impl<N: NumCast> AngleCast for Rad<N>{
fn from<N2: NumCast + Num, T: Angle<N2>>(v: T) -> Option<Rad<N>>{
num_traits::cast(v.to_rad().value()).map(|v| Rad(v))
impl<N: NumCast> AngleCast for Deg<N>{
fn from<N2: NumCast + Num, T: Angle<N2>>(v: T) -> Option<Deg<N>>{
num_traits::cast(v.to_deg().value()).map(|v| Deg(v))
pub fn cast<T,U,N1,N2>(t: T) -> Option<U>
where T: AngleCast + Angle<N1>,
U: AngleCast + Angle<N2>,
N1: NumCast + Num,
N2: NumCast + Num,
fn wrap64() {
let pi: Rad<f64> = Rad::pi();
let pi_wrapped = (pi + Rad::two_pi()).wrap();
assert_eq!(pi, pi_wrapped)
fn negative_wrap64() {
let pi: Rad<f64> = Rad::pi();
let pi_wrapped = (pi - Rad::two_pi()).wrap();
assert_eq!(pi, pi_wrapped)
fn deg_eq_rad64() {
let _180 = Deg(180.0f64);
let pi = Rad::pi();
assert_eq!(_180, pi.to_deg());
fn deg_to_rad64() {
let _180 = Deg(180.0f64);
let pi = Rad(_180.to_rad().value());
assert_eq!(_180, pi.to_deg());
fn rad_to_deg64() {
let pi: Rad<f64> = Rad::pi();
let _180 = Deg(pi.to_deg().value());
assert_eq!(_180, pi.to_deg());
fn wrap32() {
let pi: Deg<f32> = Deg::pi();
let pi_wrapped = (pi + Deg::two_pi()).wrap();
assert_eq!(pi, pi_wrapped)
fn negative_wrap32() {
let _90neg: Deg<f32> = Deg(-90.);
let _270: Deg<f32> = Deg(270.);
assert_eq!(_90neg.wrap().value(), _270.value())
fn negative_wrapunsigned() {
let _90neg: Deg<i32> = Deg(-90);
let _270: Deg<i32> = Deg(270);
assert_eq!(_90neg.wrap().value(), _270.value())
fn deg_eq_rad32() {
let _180 = Deg(180.0f32);
let pi = Rad::pi();
assert_eq!(_180, pi.to_deg());
fn deg_to_rad32() {
let _180 = Deg(180.0f32);
let pi = Rad(_180.to_rad().value());
assert_eq!(_180, pi.to_deg());
fn rad_to_deg32() {
let pi: Rad<f32> = Rad::pi();
let _180 = Deg(pi.to_deg().value());
assert_eq!(_180, pi.to_deg());
fn cmp() {
let _20 = Deg(20f32);
let _370 = Deg(370f32);
assert!(_20>_370,"{:?} shold be > {:?}");
assert!(_370<_20,"{:?} shold be > {:?}");
fn max() {
let _20 = Deg(20f32);
let _370 = Deg(370f32);
fn min() {
let _20 = Deg(20f32);
let _370 = Deg(370f32);
fn default() {
let deg: Deg<f64> = Default::default();
assert_eq!(deg.0, 0f64);
let rad: Rad<f64> = Default::default();
assert_eq!(rad.0, 0f64);
impl<T: Copy, S: simba::scalar::SubsetOf<T>> simba::scalar::SubsetOf<Deg<T>> for Deg<S> {
fn to_superset(&self) -> Deg<T> {
fn from_superset_unchecked(element: &Deg<T>) -> Self {
fn is_in_subset(element: &Deg<T>) -> bool {
impl<T: Copy, S: simba::scalar::SubsetOf<T>> simba::scalar::SubsetOf<Rad<T>> for Rad<S> {
fn to_superset(&self) -> Rad<T> {
fn from_superset_unchecked(element: &Rad<T>) -> Self {
fn is_in_subset(element: &Rad<T>) -> bool {