use itertools::iproduct;
use num_traits::{Bounded, Signed, Zero};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::hash::Hash;
use super::bfs::bfs;
use crate::matrix::Matrix;
pub type EKFlows<N, C> = (Vec<((N, N), C)>, C);
pub fn edmonds_karp<N, C, IC, EK>(vertices: &[N], source: &N, sink: &N, caps: IC) -> EKFlows<N, C>
N: Eq + Hash + Copy,
C: Zero + Bounded + Signed + Ord + Copy,
IC: IntoIterator<Item = ((N, N), C)>,
EK: EdmondsKarp<C>,
let size = vertices.len();
let reverse = (0..size)
.map(|i| (vertices[i], i))
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
let mut capacities = EK::new(size, reverse[source], reverse[sink]);
for ((from, to), capacity) in caps {
capacities.set_capacity(reverse[&from], reverse[&to], capacity);
let (paths, max) = capacities.augment();
.map(|((a, b), c)| ((vertices[a], vertices[b]), c))
pub fn edmonds_karp_dense<N, C, IC>(vertices: &[N], source: &N, sink: &N, caps: IC) -> EKFlows<N, C>
N: Eq + Hash + Copy,
C: Zero + Bounded + Signed + Ord + Copy,
IC: IntoIterator<Item = ((N, N), C)>,
edmonds_karp::<N, C, IC, DenseCapacity<C>>(vertices, source, sink, caps)
pub fn edmonds_karp_sparse<N, C, IC>(
vertices: &[N],
source: &N,
sink: &N,
caps: IC,
) -> EKFlows<N, C>
N: Eq + Hash + Copy,
C: Zero + Bounded + Signed + Ord + Copy,
IC: IntoIterator<Item = ((N, N), C)>,
edmonds_karp::<N, C, IC, SparseCapacity<C>>(vertices, source, sink, caps)
pub trait EdmondsKarp<C: Copy + Zero + Signed + Ord + Bounded> {
fn new(size: usize, source: usize, sink: usize) -> Self
Self: Sized;
fn from_matrix(source: usize, sink: usize, capacities: Matrix<C>) -> Self
Self: Sized;
fn from_vec(source: usize, sink: usize, capacities: Vec<C>) -> Self
Self: Sized,
Self::from_matrix(source, sink, Matrix::square_from_vec(capacities).unwrap())
fn common(&self) -> &Common<C>;
fn common_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Common<C>;
fn size(&self) -> usize {
fn source(&self) -> usize {
fn sink(&self) -> usize {
fn residual_successors(&self, from: usize) -> Vec<(usize, C)>;
fn residual_capacity(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> C;
fn flow(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> C;
fn flows_from(&self, from: usize) -> Vec<usize>;
fn flows(&self) -> Vec<((usize, usize), C)>;
fn set_capacity(&mut self, from: usize, to: usize, capacity: C) {
let flow = self.flow(from, to);
let delta = capacity - (self.residual_capacity(from, to) + flow);
if capacity < flow {
let to_cancel = flow - capacity;
self.add_flow(to, from, to_cancel);
let source = self.source();
self.cancel_flow(source, from, to_cancel);
let sink = self.sink();
self.cancel_flow(to, sink, to_cancel);
self.common_mut().total_capacity = self.common().total_capacity - to_cancel;
self.add_residual_capacity(from, to, delta);
fn add_flow(&mut self, from: usize, to: usize, capacity: C);
fn total_capacity(&self) -> C {
fn add_residual_capacity(&mut self, from: usize, to: usize, capacity: C);
fn set_total_capacity(&mut self, capacity: C) {
self.common_mut().total_capacity = capacity;
fn omit_detailed_flows(&mut self) {
self.common_mut().detailed_flows = false;
fn detailed_flows(&self) -> bool {
fn augment(&mut self) -> EKFlows<usize, C> {
let size = self.size();
let source = self.source();
let sink = self.sink();
let mut parents = Vec::with_capacity(size);
parents.resize(size, None);
let mut path_capacity = Vec::with_capacity(size);
path_capacity.resize(size, C::max_value());
let mut to_see = VecDeque::new();
'augment: loop {
while let Some(node) = to_see.pop_front() {
let capacity_so_far = path_capacity[node];
for (successor, residual) in self.residual_successors(node).iter().cloned() {
if successor == source || parents[successor].is_some() {
parents[successor] = Some(node);
path_capacity[successor] = if capacity_so_far < residual {
} else {
if successor == sink {
let mut n = sink;
while n != source {
let p = parents[n].unwrap();
self.add_flow(p, n, path_capacity[sink]);
n = p;
let total = self.total_capacity();
self.set_total_capacity(total + path_capacity[sink]);
parents.resize(size, None);
path_capacity.resize(size, C::max_value());
continue 'augment;
if self.detailed_flows() {
(self.flows(), self.total_capacity())
} else {
(Vec::new(), self.total_capacity())
fn cancel_flow(&mut self, from: usize, to: usize, mut capacity: C) {
if from == to {
while capacity > Zero::zero() {
if let Some(path) = bfs(&from, |&n| self.flows_from(n).into_iter(), |&n| n == to) {
let path = path
let mut max_cancelable = path
.map(|&(src, dst)| self.flow(src, dst))
if max_cancelable > capacity {
max_cancelable = capacity;
for (src, dst) in path {
self.add_flow(dst, src, max_cancelable);
capacity = capacity - max_cancelable;
} else {
unreachable!("no flow to cancel");
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Common<C> {
size: usize,
source: usize,
sink: usize,
total_capacity: C,
detailed_flows: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SparseCapacity<C> {
common: Common<C>,
flows: BTreeMap<usize, BTreeMap<usize, C>>,
residuals: BTreeMap<usize, BTreeMap<usize, C>>,
unsafe impl<C: Send> Send for SparseCapacity<C> {}
impl<C: Copy + Eq + Zero + Signed + Bounded + Ord> SparseCapacity<C> {
fn set_value(data: &mut BTreeMap<usize, BTreeMap<usize, C>>, from: usize, to: usize, value: C) {
let to_remove = {
let sub = data.entry(from).or_insert_with(BTreeMap::new);
if value != Zero::zero() {
sub.insert(to, value);
} else {
if to_remove {
fn get_value(data: &BTreeMap<usize, BTreeMap<usize, C>>, from: usize, to: usize) -> C {
.and_then(|ns| ns.get(&to).cloned())
impl<C: Copy + Zero + Signed + Eq + Ord + Bounded> EdmondsKarp<C> for SparseCapacity<C> {
fn new(size: usize, source: usize, sink: usize) -> Self {
assert!(source < size, "source is greater or equal than size");
assert!(sink < size, "sink is greater or equal than size");
Self {
common: Common {
total_capacity: Zero::zero(),
detailed_flows: true,
flows: BTreeMap::new(),
residuals: BTreeMap::new(),
fn from_matrix(source: usize, sink: usize, capacities: Matrix<C>) -> Self {
"capacities matrix is not a square one"
let size = capacities.rows;
assert!(source < size, "source is greater or equal than matrix side");
assert!(sink < size, "sink is greater or equal than matrix side");
let mut result = Self::new(size, source, sink);
for from in 0..size {
for to in 0..size {
let capacity = capacities[&(from, to)];
if capacity > Zero::zero() {
result.set_capacity(from, to, capacity);
fn common(&self) -> &Common<C> {
fn common_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Common<C> {
&mut self.common
fn residual_successors(&self, from: usize) -> Vec<(usize, C)> {
self.residuals.get(&from).map_or_else(Vec::new, |ns| {
.filter_map(|(&n, &c)| if c > Zero::zero() { Some((n, c)) } else { None })
fn residual_capacity(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> C {
Self::get_value(&self.residuals, from, to)
fn flow(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> C {
Self::get_value(&self.flows, from, to)
fn flows(&self) -> Vec<((usize, usize), C)> {
.flat_map(|(k, vs)| {
vs.into_iter().filter_map(move |(v, c)| {
if c > Zero::zero() {
Some(((k, v), c))
} else {
fn add_flow(&mut self, from: usize, to: usize, capacity: C) {
let direct = self.flow(from, to) + capacity;
Self::set_value(&mut self.flows, from, to, direct);
Self::set_value(&mut self.flows, to, from, -direct);
self.add_residual_capacity(from, to, -capacity);
self.add_residual_capacity(to, from, capacity);
fn add_residual_capacity(&mut self, from: usize, to: usize, capacity: C) {
let new_capacity = self.residual_capacity(from, to) + capacity;
Self::set_value(&mut self.residuals, from, to, new_capacity);
fn flows_from(&self, n: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
self.flows.get(&n).map_or_else(Vec::new, |ns| {
.filter_map(|(&o, &c)| if c > Zero::zero() { Some(o) } else { None })
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DenseCapacity<C> {
common: Common<C>,
residuals: Matrix<C>,
flows: Matrix<C>,
unsafe impl<C: Send> Send for DenseCapacity<C> {}
impl<C: Copy + Zero + Signed + Ord + Bounded> EdmondsKarp<C> for DenseCapacity<C> {
fn new(size: usize, source: usize, sink: usize) -> Self {
assert!(source < size, "source is greater or equal than size");
assert!(sink < size, "sink is greater or equal than size");
Self {
common: Common {
total_capacity: Zero::zero(),
detailed_flows: true,
residuals: Matrix::new(size, size, Zero::zero()),
flows: Matrix::new(size, size, Zero::zero()),
fn from_matrix(source: usize, sink: usize, capacities: Matrix<C>) -> Self {
"capacities matrix is not a square one"
let size = capacities.rows;
assert!(source < size, "source is greater or equal than matrix side");
assert!(sink < size, "sink is greater or equal than matrix side");
Self {
common: Common {
total_capacity: Zero::zero(),
detailed_flows: true,
residuals: capacities,
flows: Matrix::new(size, size, Zero::zero()),
fn common(&self) -> &Common<C> {
fn common_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Common<C> {
&mut self.common
fn residual_successors(&self, from: usize) -> Vec<(usize, C)> {
.filter_map(|n| {
let residual = self.residual_capacity(from, n);
if residual > Zero::zero() {
Some((n, residual))
} else {
fn residual_capacity(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> C {
self.residuals[&(from, to)]
fn flow(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> C {
self.flows[&(from, to)]
fn flows(&self) -> Vec<((usize, usize), C)> {
iproduct!(0..self.size(), 0..self.size())
.filter_map(|(from, to)| {
let flow = self.flow(from, to);
if flow > Zero::zero() {
Some(((from, to), flow))
} else {
fn add_flow(&mut self, from: usize, to: usize, capacity: C) {
self.flows[&(from, to)] = self.flows[&(from, to)] + capacity;
self.flows[&(to, from)] = self.flows[&(to, from)] - capacity;
self.residuals[&(from, to)] = self.residuals[&(from, to)] - capacity;
self.residuals[&(to, from)] = self.residuals[&(to, from)] + capacity;
fn add_residual_capacity(&mut self, from: usize, to: usize, capacity: C) {
self.residuals[&(from, to)] = self.residual_capacity(from, to) + capacity;
fn flows_from(&self, from: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
.filter(|to| self.flow(from, *to) > Zero::zero())